first day of school part 1

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a/n Dominic's up top and his favorite song pay no attention to video
Song name: waking the demon
artists:bullet for my valentine

Dominic's P.O.V
I hate my parents first they tell me that the alphas mate is the most important person in the pack for the billionth time then they send me to a human school in order to find my mate and goddess i hop i do and that he is a very fine looking male that i will love till the day i die if you haven't guessed yet i am gay but my pack doesn't now yet so i avoid all females in my pack so i don't snap and tell the truth of i don't date anyone well that will a fun convocation with dad when i find him and tell the truth
" Dom get up your gonna be late for school" mum calls out
"Don't care"I replied
"Dominic get your fucking ass out of bed now"dad called out as you can probably tell my dad is not a morning person
Wait that was not dads voice but uncle Nicks
Oh shit oh shit oh shit he's going to kill me
I may have browed his phone and lost it and told him via mind link last night and him being beta and all e needs his phone
"AHHHH" what the hell just happened
"Ow my head" oh well to late to run now Nick is here and very pissed of
"YOU OWE ME A FUCKING NEW PHONE DOMINIC" Nick all but yelled you'd think he was the alpha with how every one wintered away from him including dad but you don't upset Nick
"Alright i will buy you a new one after school uncle Nick" yeah bad choice i think
"Good now get ready for school"was the last thing he said before walking off
At school
I arrive at school and good thing i am the only one from my pack here and like usual all girls walk up and state to flirt
"Okay look you are all pretty but I prefer if men flirt with me okay" i say politly
"Well such a wast of a good looking blok like your self" i just role my eyes and walk of but the some one bumped into me

Sams P.O.V
Grate first day of school and walk into the most gorges man i have seen and he is a werewolf but not my ma-
"Sorry there didn't see you the name is Dominic" Dominic holds his hand out for me to shake and i do greatly
"the name Is sa-" i have to say once a skin made contact it felt like I was struck by lightning where our hands made contact
"mine"we sad at the same time

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