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Fate is truly a mysterious mistress. You have no idea where she will take you or what she has in store for you. She has a plan for everyone, an inescapable journey that she assigns everyone when they are born.

At least, that's what Grandma Stilinski always used to say. Stiles was starting to think that crazy old woman was messing with him.

There was no way fate had planned this all out, absolutely no way. No one could have possibly thought Stiles "The Hyperactive Nutcase" Stilinski would ever knock out Lydia "Queen of All Mortal Souls" Martin. No one would have thought he would even have the nerve to do such a thing (he used to have a crush on her, for Spiderman's sake).

But before Stiles could continue pondering just how insane his life had become, he was suddenly brought back to reality.

Lydia was slowly coming to; her eyes were starting to open.

Luckily, Stiles had hit just hard enough that the blow would knock her out, but she wouldn't be in too much pain.

She flinched as the light of the sun hit her eyes, but she still sat up from the bed she was on. Her eyes widened when she realized the foreign situation she was in.

"Hi Lydia," Stiles greeted waving enthusiastically at her, sitting across the room from where she was on the bed.

"Stilinski? What?" Lydia stared at him obliviously, not understanding what was going on before her memory came back.

"Okay, I know this looks bad," Stiles held his hands up defensively. She looked as if she was going to pounce him any second, and not in a good way. "But to be fair you didn't give us much of a choice but to kidnap you."

"You hit me in the head with a fire extinguisher." Lydia growled sitting up from the bed and towering over Stiles from where he was sitting in his chair.

Stiles chuckled nervously. "Well, when you put it like that you make it seem like we did something wrong."

Lydia folded her arms and stared down at Stiles like he was a mere stepping stone to her (despite what Stiles would tell you, this was different from the look she gave him before today). She looked as if she was in complete control of the situation, even though she had no idea what was going on.

"Alright, alright!" Stiles held his hands up in defeat. "We're complete and total assholes who should be locked up, but before you call the cops would you at least-"

Stiles was lucky enough to slide out of his chair just in time as Lydia took a swing at him. His eyes widened as he saw her take a trained stance before charging at him.

He wasn't fast enough this time to dodge her, in a few easy moves Lydia had his face pressed against the wall with his wrist behind his back.

"A couple of months ago I would have been so turned on by this." Stiles mused, wincing as he felt her twist his arm harder than she already was.

"Caught you by surprise didn't I?" Lydia sounded all too pleased with herself. "I really have to thank my father for making me take those self-defense classes."

"Self-defense classes?" Stiles repeated titling head back so he could look at her. "You wouldn't have happened to have gone to that place next to the mall. Crowns, I think it's called?"

Carefully, Stiles maneuvered his foot so it was behind Lydia's feet.

"Well, obviously, that's the only place in town that teaches self-defense." Lydia answered humoring him for some reason.

"Oh." Stiles nodded in acknowledgement. He sent a smile Lydia's way. "Crowns is pretty nice, it would be the best place to learn self-defense in town..."

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