Ch. 15

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I get in the backseat of the car as Aunt Katherine started the engine. My Uncle whispered something to Aunt Katherine and she smiled and drove off. I watched as we drove past the beautiful scenery. The gorgeous trees & plants, the beautiful river with tubers, the stunning cabins placed by the river; Helen really is a beautiful place. I see why Aunt Katherine would want to live here; it showcases the beauty of nature. We drive onto a road and out of Helen. I will definitely have to come back here and visit my family again soon. Atlanta wasn't nearly as beautiful. Uncle Michael turns to me and says,"Hey May, to get to DC, we are going to the airport in Clayton and getting on the flight to Washington DC before noon." "Thanks Uncle Mike!" I say with a smile. I am so close to finally seeing my parents. This will definitely be the best birthday ever. The rest of the drive to the airport is silent. The whole time I stared out the window, watching the scenery change. We had just passed a sign saying Welcome to Clayton! a few minutes ago. We finally arrived at the airport and Aunt Katherine parked the car while Uncle Mike and me waited for the bus. "All you had was that backpack to bring you all of this way?" Uncle Mike asked surprised. "Yep." I say with a smile. Aunt Katherine came back with her purse and a few seconds later, the bus came to take us to the airport. It was a tiny bus with 10 seats on the inside. The bus driver drove us through the parking lot, making stops every few minutes. The final time he opened the doors he said in a deep voice,"have a safe flight." We were the first of 7 to hop of the tiny bus and check in at the front. It all looked so interesting, I had never been to an airport before. We walked through the doors and stood in line for security. The line went by fast since Clayton has a low population. We take off our shoes and I put my bag on the conveyor belt. I walk through security and grab my shoes and bag and my Aunt & Uncle do the same. Aunt Katherine hands me the tickets. Gate 17. Our flight is to the left. As I walk, I see a few small restaurants. I ask Uncle Mike if I can get a snack a Burger King and he says yes. I decide to get the French toast sticks, they're my favorite. I realize we don't have much time to catch our flight so I put my snack in my bag. "Hurry May!" Aunt Katherine shouts. We race to catch our flight but we just barely make it in time for boarding. I sigh in relief and get on the airplane. The seats are 3x3 so Aunt Katherine, Uncle Mike, & me take a seat. I'm really nervous for my first flight but excited at the same time because I'm so close to meeting my parents. "We're clear for takeoff." The pilot says. I take a deep breath and look out the window. It's so cool to see a plane take off. It feels a little weird, but mostly cool. I smile and wait for the sign to put the tray tables down so then I can eat my French toast sticks. I take a look at the flight magazines. They mostly have information about where the airline goes and the snacks they serve on the plane. The sign lights up and the pilot makes an announcement that the tables can be put down and electronics can be used now. I take out my snack and enjoy the savory French toast sticks. I'm glad I grabbed syrup but more glad I grabbed a bunch of napkins. Shortly after, the stewardess comes by with a cart full of drinks and food. "Cranberry cocktail please. And can I also have peanuts?" I ask the stewardess. It's a good thing I looked at that manual., I thought. She pours my drink with a smile and I say thank you. The cocktail tastes so good and the peanuts are good too. Another stewardess comes by to collect the trash. After I give her my trash, I decide to take a nap. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep the whole rest of the flight. When I wake up, my Uncle says to me,"get moving kid, nap times over!" I get out of my seat and grab my backpack. I walk off the plane just before my Aunt and Uncle. We go through the airport until we exit and Uncle Mike thinks we should rent a car. We don't disagree with him so we find a car and drive to the White House. As Aunt Katherine starts driving, I ask her,"don't you need directions?" She laughs and says,"it's a giant White House. I think I can find my way." Within less then 20 minutes, we arrive at out destination. I take a deep breath. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life. What am I waiting for? I walk with determined steps up to the front door and knock. The butler answers and I tell him to get Mr. & Mrs. Jule. I walk in and the place is huge. The ceiling it self are 30 feet high and the room is huge. Two people on fancy outfits walk in. I assume they are my parents. I look like my father with my mother's eyes. "Mom? Dad?" I ask. I run towards them and give them a hug. I feel tears running down my face. "Happy Birthday darling." Mom says. I smile. I have never felt so happy.

Authors note: Hey guys! I just wanted to go with a sweet chapter. I think I might do one more chapter, let me know if I should. Please like and comment! Have an awesome day!!!!!

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