Rylie's Second Chance

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Chapter 1

          I ran faster and faster. My shins were burning but I had to keep moving to get away. I looked back to see Ryan getting farther and farther away and Alex was gaining on him.

          "Ryan you have to keep going, don’t slow down," Ryan looked alarmed and turned to see Alex right on his heels.

"Ryan! Pay attention!" Ryan turned back, but not soon enough. My heart stopped as I saw Ryan trip over a root. I screamed as Alex grabbed Ryan putting him into an all too familiar choke hold.

          "No! Let him go, please!" Alex smirked, most likely from the fear and hatred radiating from my eyes. He always loved the fear.

          "Rylie run! Forget me; I can handle myself, go! Save yourself." Ryan yelled before Alex could cover his mouth.

"Rylie honey, don’t listen to him. He is just testing you. Are you really going to leave your little brother with me of all people? I don't think you would you're too sweet to do that." I couldn't breathe. Hearing his voice made me sick. I was at least fifteen feet or so away, but as I looked into Ryan's eyes I saw. I saw the desperation in his eyes. He wanted me to run. So...I ran. As I ran I heard the sickening deep laughter of Alex getting fainter as I ran farther from Ryan and him. With a quick glance back I see Alex punch Ryan square in the face, but I never stopped running as the tears streamed down my face.

          "No!" I popped up in my bed sweat dripping down my face and breathing heavily. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. I ran cool water over my face and sighed. I've had the same nightmare for three years now. Every night it never fails. That day is etched into my brain and heart forever.

          "I never should have left him. He needed me." I whispered into the mirror my heart still pounding like I had just run a marathon.

          I was fourteen when that happened and Ryan was thirteen. I'm now seventeen and Ryan is sixteen now. I haven't seen him since that day three days ago. Alex was my stepfather. He was an evil man. Alex would drink non-stop and then beat mother senseless. Then when she was out cold he would move on to my brother and I. Ryan was always trying to protect me. He never let me down...but I had let him down. Now I've regretted it every day since. Alex could have killed him for all I know. The beatings definitely would have gotten worse since I was gone.

          "Ry? You ok?" Leslie's voice was weak with outside my bedroom.

          "Yeah Leas. Sorry if I woke you...bad dream." The door creaked open revealing my best friend since i moved here.

          "Alex and Ryan again?" She asked already knowing the answer.

          I nodded solemnly. Les was an amazing person. She was my age and I met her when I was fifteen. I had been running from town to town for about a year. When I met Les we clicked and I got a job with her parents. When they finally figured out that I was alone they offered me a room at their house. Eventually I told them everything and I haven’t left since. They are like my family now.

          "Ry you know your brother wanted you to go. He wanted and probably needed you safe." Les said trying to comfort me. She always does this after a dream.

          "I'm his big sister though. I should have been the one protecting him." By this time the tears were starting to service. I always cried when I talked or even thought about Ryan.

          "Ry these nightmares and feelings about Ryan have been happening for all the years I've known you. Maybe it's time you look for him." Les looked at me with a hopeful look. Maybe she had a point. I was always crying and dreaming about Ryan, maybe I should do something about it. But how?

          "I wouldn't even know how or where to start. Plus there's no way I have the money to travel and look for him let alone hire someone." I said desperately.

          "I know, sorry. Maybe something will work itself out." She said standing up. "For now just get some sleep and tomorrow go for you morning run, that always makes you feel better." She yawned as she walked towards my door.

          "Ok, night Leas." I laid down not knowing if i could sleep.

          "Night Ry." Les walked out and I fell into a dreamless sleep as I heard the click of my bedroom door.

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