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*** I'm sorry about not much detail in the last part. This one should be better. **

I open my eyes to my Aunt starring me down. "Well good morning to you too." I said with a lot of sarcasm.

"Okay what are you doing today??" she said ignoring that I said anything.

"I think I'm going to hang out the hotel or something."as I was sitting up. my aunt nodded and began picking up her purse and walking to the door.

"I'm going to go for a walk, you know, sight seeing. if you need anything I left some money by my dresser." she said shutting the door before I could speak.

"Well then!" I cried to the shut door annoyed, looks like i was on my own. I looked outside and saw Channing opening the door in his swimming trunks. I raced to my room and found my black string bikini with a pink rose on it and threw it on quickly. HURRY! I screamed to myself hurriedly pulling on my Jean shorts an running out the door. I saw him walking slowly to the pool as I took a short cut. I waited for him to take a turn so he couldn't see me and I jumped into the pool cringinLOg when the water splashed. when I swam up to the top and took a deep breathe of air, Channing was mid jump and the water slapped my face.

"Hey!" I laughed as he came back up looking at me suspiciously.

"Hey beautiful" he said finally smiling, I smiled back and let him pull me into a hug. he was so cute! I felt my cheeks get hot and when he pulled back from the hug I noted that he was blushing too.

"What''re you doing today?" I asked him thinking of my aunt's sudden decision to leave. he smiled and took my hand

"I was hoping you and I could go to this really good restaurant I saw today?" Channing said looking at my lips again, I smiled more, his eyes are so dreamy!

"Yeah I think it will be in your favor that I'm free today." I said a little timidly.

"Oh really it's in my favor?" he said taunting me.

"Yes..." I dragged on.

"I guess I can just leave and you can swim all by yourself?" he teased me by almost dropping my hand and turning away.

"Okay okay. I want to spend the day with you. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I said a little to loud.

"Yes that is very much what I wanted." he laughed.

"Okay then." I said.

I pulled him really close to me, close enough to where I could feel his body heat. He then closed the small gap between us. We were just staring into each others eye's for a long time. Next thing I know his lips are on mine. Our lips move together. We were having nice make out session until___ "OMG!!! ITS CHANNING TATUM!!" an annoying little girls voice interrupts.

"Here it comes" he says laughing like we weren't included the middle of something.

"Really right now." I mutter under my breath.

"Omigod can I have your autograph?" the annoy girl said.

" Yes you can, and what's your name sweetheart??" he said bending down to her height. No offense to little kids but I just can't stand them they are annoying. They are adorable but that's all they get.

" My name is Olivia" she said handing him a sparkly pen and a pink notebook.

" So Olivia what's your favorite movie of mine?" he asked her in the sweetest tone.

" The Vow!! I just love love stories and you made it wonderful." she yelled.

" I agree with you, I do make love stories wonderful. Don't you think Bonnie?" he said turning to me and winking.

" Yeah, actually you make them perfect." I said correcting Olivia.

" Well Olivia, here you go. I hope you have a wonderful day!" He said with a happy little boy voice like he found out he got to play paint ball.

" So where we're we?" he asked grabbing my waist and invading my space, which I enjoyed...

" I believe we were about to leave." I said teasing him.

" Oh I see how it is now." he said taking my hand and leading me to the limo.

" Yepp, that's how I role." I said following him inside the limo.

It was silent for the whole ride. It was comfortable silence

" Close your eyes." he said as he opened the door for me.

I closed my eyes as he lead me out of the car.

"Open your eyes." her said moving from in front of me.

" Oh my God Channing it's beautiful!!" I said taking in the view of the hillside with a big weeping willow tree at the top. You can see bigger hills behind it and when you turned around there was a big field of wild flowers. It's the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

" I was thinking that this could work for a picnic?" he asked with a short laugh.

" Yes it would. It's gorgeous, can we have the picnic at the top of the hill?" I asked looking up at him like a little girl would to ask her dad for if cream.

" That's what I was planning on doing." he smiled.

He let go of the grip he had on my right hand and walked over to the limo. When he turned around he had a basket and a blue and purple plaid throw blanket.

" Shall we?" he said bowing and hold his hand out for me to take it. Of course I took hi hand and intertwined our fingers together as he lead me to the top of the hill. He sat the basket down and and grabbed the blanket, he attempted to spread it out. ~It didn't work in his favor.~

" Here let me help you that." I.said taking one side of the blanket.

" Thanks babe." he said making me blush. When we final get the blanket spread across the ground, he takes out candles and wine out of the basket.

" You remember that I'm 17 right?" I asked him referring to the wine.

" Yes I remember that's why I got grape juice and put it in a wine bottle, silly." he said winking at me.

" Okay.." is all I had to say.

" I hope you like pb&j?" he asked pulling out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

" Actually I.. LOVE then." I said teasing the fact.

" Okay good."

We sat in a comfortable silence why we ate our sandwiches and grapes, etc.

" I have a question for you Bonnie, do mind?" he asked me.

It took me a minute to not say 'you just did.'

" What is it?" I simply replied.

He grabbed my hands and stood me up. Still holding my hands he got down on one knee and looked up at me.

" Bonnie Dunn, will you be my girlfriend and make it official?" he asked in the sexiest tone ever...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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