Chapter Five

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   Blaise insisted on getting this one with Pansy, and as they strode off to the bar she gave him a look that he couldn't quite interpret. But Harry was chatting to him again, asking which halls they were living in and rattling off several stories with Ron about some late night shenanigans they'd gotten themselves into during their time as first years, much to Theo's delight and Hermione's growing horror.

And so the evening went on, and Draco found his brain getting fuzzier and fuzzier despite the mountain of thick cut chips Pansy ordered from the kitchen. Harry and he got up several times, to visit the loo or the bar, but no matter how much everyone moved around, the two of them always ended up still sitting next to one another. His thigh would always be pressed against Draco's, and it could have been the cider talking but Draco could have sworn Harry was touching him a little more than necessary, just brushes of fingertips every now and again, but each one seemed to jolt Draco like an electric shock.

Pansy made him tell the story of the time when several people from the floor below theirs in halls had gone ghost hunting at Halloween in the nearby woods, and Draco had organised their floor to dress up as zombies and jump out from behind the trees to scare the living daylights out of them. Theo was in stitches at the memory, and Draco tried to explain it had just been an idle suggestion on his part that his more exuberant housemates had taken to heart, but Harry was laughing as hard as Theo as Pansy described how the sports ed lads in particular had shrieked like small children, so he let it slide.

Harry kept looking at him like he knew something he didn't, and Draco was drinking quicker because of it. He was the only one not to protest when Hermione insisted they all neck a pint of water before the next round.

Darkness fell fully around them, and Snuffles made friends with the lively Saturday night crowd. One of the girls from behind the bar came out with an empty tupperwear box filled with cold water for him, and then a bit later a plate full of chicken scraps that he essentially inhaled down his little puppy throat.

It was nice, Draco thought, hanging out with non-students, they had more to talk about. He felt relaxed, and not just because of the several ciders and hot chips making his stomach full. He and Harry were not only leg to leg now, but shoulder to shoulder, and he found himself giving Harry little jabs with his finger as they talked, or slaps on the thigh.

Hermione yawned loudly, and gave Ron an apologetic look. "Ahh," he said knowingly. "We better get going. The beast down there needs some real food," he said accusingly at the docile puppy by Draco and Harry's feet. "And we've both got homework to do tomorrow."

Pansy checked her phone for the time. "I should probably get going too. Boys?" she raised an angular eyebrow at Blaise and Theo across the table from Draco.

He expected them to protest, but they just nodded and threw back the rest of their drinks, and that's when Draco realised he still had a full pint. "Oh," he said. "Don't worry, I've probably had enough."

But Pansy waved her hand. "Nonsense," she said as she stood. "You stay, Harry's still got a drink too, no need to rush."

"Yup," said Theo, who was probably the most worse for wear of them all. "She can protect us Drake – scare off any muggers."

"We'll see you tomorrow yeah Harry?" said Ron, he and Hermione standing along with Draco's friends. "Thanks for dog sitting."

"Come on Snuffles," Hermione cooed, coaxing the puppy away from Draco and Harry's feet where he'd spent most of the evening.

And within a minute, they had all left. Draco suddenly felt like there was a spotlight on him, and turned to see if Harry was equally affected. But he was grinning and shaking his head into his rum and coke.

"I get the feeling," he chuckled. "There was a bit of a conspiracy going on there."

Draco swallowed, feeling more sober than he had in the past hour or so. "What do you mean?" he asked. Because, to him, it looked like all their mates had left them alone on purpose, which could only mean one thing as far as his sluggish brain could see, but that wasn't...surely...?

Harry put his drink down and licked his lips, turning his body into Draco's. "They probably realised," he said, smiling lazily in a way that made ice slip down Draco's spine. "That I've been wanting an opportunity to do something for the past few hours."

"What?" Draco gulped, resisting the urge to pull back and move away.

"This," Harry said, and closed the gap between them, touching his mouth to Draco's, slipping his hand over his good knee.

There was a moment of surprise, but it was short-lived as Draco leant into the kiss, parting his lips so his tongue could find Harry's, losing himself in the sensation. He hadn't kissed anyone in a very long time, and he'd come to assume everyone was a bit inexperienced and sloppy with it. But not Harry. He was soft and sure and seemed to know just how to mould Draco's mouth to his, humming as they drew their bodies closer.

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