as to try to keep a secret chapter 3

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When the friend came home she said to her Mon that she needed to learn how to keep a secreat .
Well honey tell you he truth I was waiting until you Saud that said mom
You did said the friend
Yep I sure did said the mom
Okay how  said the friend
Well let me go get the book said mom.
As the mom went to get the book it was called how to keep a secreat.
This is the book said the friend
Yes Saud the mom
Okay what do I do first Said the friend
First you sign here what he secreat is said the mom
But then you will read it said the friend
No no no you want to know something said the mom
Sure said the friend
I have a lot of secreat up in here about your dad said the mom
Really said the friend
Yep I do said the mom
Okay fine said the friend
As she wrote down he secreat she didn't really have to tell anyone else about the secreat .
Wow thanks mom that really help bye said the friend
Wait were you going said the mom
Over to sara house said the friend
Okay have fun be back before lunch said the mom.

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