for the love of (god)

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every embodied spirit is an expression of (god). born to witness, born to create, born to experience. to love and be loved.

we come into this world with the capacity to have faith, to believe in something without physical proof of it's existence, to love and to feel the love of a soul that has not once [yet] stood before us manifested.

so what's the problem?

if we can have such faith in something unseen, why is it so hard for us to believe once it's standing right before us, staring us in the face? if (Jesus) were to return, would we even accept (him)? I don't think many of us would, because so few of us have already.. (god) lives thorough us all.

I keep the names and representations in brackets because it's not the label that's important. it's what's behind the name, inside it, around it.. the creator, the divine spirit, whatever you want to call it.. it's living, and dying, and reborn every day.

when you choose to love someone, when you can fully trust another being outside of yourself, when you choose to surrender to another soul... you have chosen to love (god). can I, can you, can any of us accept that?

many of us search our entire lives for something to believe in. many of us are born already impregnated with an image of (god) within our minds and the trust within our hearts, ready to love and to serve. and yet when we stumble upon those expressions of (god), we tend to deny their very existence. we tend to believe that finding such a perfect expression, that finding the face to match that image is so undoubtedly impossible, we opt to push it away.

I have chosen otherwise.

throughout my life and in my travels I have encountered many beautiful and true expressions of (god), of love. but never one so true as my rock, as my mountain, as you. they had all served as reminders that I would find you, as beacons to light the path up to your peaks.

I know you from before. and from before before... you are and always have been, that perfect expression in my mind. I always knew I'd find you, just as you are. and I surrender.

as the ocean surrounds the mountains, I surround you in my love. your sturdy walls give way to caverns, I trickle my way in. love is a powerful force. as is the ocean..

each time your eyes meet mine I feel the rush of joy, of comfort that one feels when encountered by the day's first rays of light. I stand in awe to bare witness to your existence, how could I ever turn away?

I choose to stand before you, to walk beside you, and to love you, to be true. I choose to give myself to you, all that I have and all that I am. for I have all faith in you.

take my eyes, that I can watch over you. that I can see the world from your perspective, that I can witness the beauty and the truth that is your life manifested.

take my ears, that I can always hear you. your voice like thunder speaks loudly to my soul. I listen closely for the words unspoken, for your songs unsung that they may never go unheard.

take my lips, that they may always whisper to you the secrets of my heart. let them sing to you my song of love, let them shout to you my prayers of gratitude from your mountain tops.

take my hands, that they may always lift you up and hold you in the light where you belong. let them touch you, and heal you, and feel you all ways, even from afar.

take my feet which have walked many paths to find you. may they help you in every step along the way. please allow me to walk this road beside you, to trust in your path for you lead me not astray.

take my body, the very encasement of my soul. may my life force always sustain you, that you may continue on your journey unrestrained. take my essence, take my strength, that I have built to give to you.

take my mind, that you may live inside it as you always have. take up residence in my thoughts, meet me in my dreams, and nest inside my memories.

take my spirit, for it was in meeting yours that mine has learned to soar. allow my power to run through you, to charge you up, to keep you moving forever forward.

and take my heart, for it has and always will belong to you.

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