Do you drink juice?
Do you ever call your friends on the phone?
Do you use skype?
Talking or texting?
If you went to a spa, what kind of treatment would you want? (eg. massage, body scrub, waking, hot rocks, etc.)
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
What was your first job?
Favorite type of pie?
Would you take daily vitamins?
Tell me about a time you thought you saw a ghost?
Have you ever been arrested?
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
What do you wear to bed?
Can you curl your tongue?
Are you a good speller?
Have you ever burned incense?
Hot tea or cold tea?
Have you taken swimming lessons?
Black or green olives?
Do you like zoos?
Do you like museums?
How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
Do you wear bracelets?
Do you have a TV in your room?
Do you often get bruises? Are a lot of them random / you don't know what they're from?
Questions to ask your boyfriend
RandomThis is just a compiled list of "get to know you" type questions a little different from all the others so go on - try it out, and share with your friends! There's random questions, just for fun, and deeper ones too, for when you're really getting t...