The New Kid

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The bell for the end of first period rang and I gathered my things. Next was forum, which meant I got to see Nathan.

The summer had almost no effect on our friendship. When Nathan came home, we went back to being our normal goofy selves and when school started, we went back to our normal routine. We would walk to school in the morning, since neither of us had a car yet, then we would sit at school until the day was over and after the last bell, we would walk home.

Nathan and I had three classes, forum, and a free study period together during the day. Since it was our last year, we had some easier classes and others that required heavy studying.

We would go up in my tree house and study after school almost every day. There were times when we would have to cut it short because Nathan had to do stuff and days when he couldn't make it at all, but we still did it as often as we could. I never knew what he had to do, but I never asked either.

I walked down a few hallways to my forum classroom. I walked in and saw Nathan in our corner on the back right side on his phone. He looked up and waved then went back to his phone. I walked over and took my seat in front of him just as the bell rang.

"Hey," I said settling in my desk.

"Hey. How was Physics?" He replied back.

"It was okay. But its getting harder," I said. He nodded.

Suddenly, the room became quiet and our attention was directed to the front of the classroom.

"Morning everyone," Mrs. Thompson, our forum teacher, said. "I would like to introduce a new student to you," she said while walking over to the boy near the door that I hadn't even noticed. "This is Shane and he will be joining our forum class so please make him feel welcome."

I looked the new kid, Shane, up and down. He was around 6 ft tall which was a few inches taller than me and just a bit taller than Nathan. He had dark brown that was in a quiff as well as dark brown eyes and a friendly grin. He was wearing jeans and a pair of black high tops. He had on a black shirt and a grey sweatshirt. From what I could see of him, he was a bit muscular, but wasn't a very large person. He took a seat in the middle of the class room and took out his phone as conversations continued.

Seeing that no one was being nice enough to at least say 'Hello', I got up and went over to where he was sitting. I sat backwards in the desk in front of him. "Hi," I said. He looked up from his phone a bit surprised and gave a small smile. Then he slowly went back to what he was doing. Seeing that he was a bit shy I said, "I'm Nicki," and stuck out my hand for him to shake.

He looked up again and stuck his hand in mine shaking it. "I'm Shane," he said sounding a little more confident. "But you already knew that," he said pulling his hand from mine. I smiled. "It's very nice to meet you Nicki," he added.

"You can come sit with us if you'd like," I said gesturing to where Nathan was still sitting.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to intrude." He said looking over at Nathan then back at me.

"Please," I said, "I'm sure Nathan won't mind."

He looked back over at Nathan again then he said, "Well alright, if you're sure." I nodded and got up from my seat grabbing ahold of his arm and pulling him over to where Nathan was.

"Nathan, this is Shane. Shane, this is Nathan," I said. Nathan looked up at Shane and gave a fake smile. Shane smiled back and stuck out his hand. Nathan hesitantly took a hold of Shane's extended hand and lightly shook it.

"Nice to meet you," Shane said unfazed by Nathan.

"Yeah, you too," Nathan mumbled. Then he removed his hand and went back to his phone.

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