Derpy's Story

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There was a mare named Derpy Hooves, she was always pushed around, nopony liked her because she was clumsy but Derpy just don't know what went wrong...

Derpy was in a forest she was sitting down in the rain crying "nopony likes me.." Derpy said sadly and then she began to sniffle "nopony cares about Derpy..." she said as some of her mane went over her face.

"everypony calls me a blank flank..." Derpy said as she stared at her flank, Derpy was a mare without her Cutie Mark she never really found out on what she's good at since all the ponies make fun of her and call her usless.

"why do poines do this to me?..." she asked herself as she feels the rain poor down on her face, Derpy felt her belly rumble she knew she was hungry but theres not that much food around in the forest she's in.

The Forest she's in is called the 'Blackout Forest' in this forest the rain never stops, there are Timber wolfs every where, its very dark no sunshine, its very dangerous other then the Timber wolfs around theres Vampire Bats that come out at midnight, theres Mantacores that wonder around on the edge of the forest, there are alot of poisonous leafs, food there are alot of thorns, also the rain can get really intense with lightning storms that never happend even close at CloudsDale.

The reason why Derpy is here is because she was sent away, Derpy never forgot that horrible day, it was a day when she was at flight camp when Derpy was just a filly, nopony liked her not even the teachers liked her and the worst thing of all is that not even her parents liked her they never want Derpy around all the poines Derpy knew they always picked on her.

~flash back~

Derpy was in flight camp, she was not good flyer at all and no matter who taught her she never got good at it and she was in the middle of a flight test "Derpy Hooves! its your turn!" siad the teacher checking off the poines that already went, Derpy gulped she walked up to the teacher and noded, Derpy began to flap her little wings, to Derpy's surprise she started to fly but then Derpy began to hear laughs of her class mates "wow you really are weak!" shouted a pony then another one cut in "yeah! lazy eyes can't do anything" said the pony "your a usless pony!" said another one, "yeah! blank flank!" laughed another one "she's a Feather brain!" shouted out a pony "my little sister can fly better then that! she's nothing but a little usless chicken!" and after that all the poines began to laugh at Derpy who had tears in her eyes 'I just... don't know what went wrong..' she murred and before she knew it she fell to the bottum of the Cloud room, all the poines began to point at her and laugh, Derpy just sniffled and put her head down.

The teacher flew down to her and glared "you caused another class disruption again!" shouted the teacher in anger "but I---" then the teacher cut in "no buts! your parents are going to hear about your horrible behavior!" said the teacher "you... this is not the first time this happend! your nothing but a trouble maker!" said the teacher with a huff "you know what!? its time for a punishment! so nopony can see you causing trouble again! you ruin everyting you touch and go near!" she finally finished and Derpy just sobed.

By the time Derpy Parents came they did not look happy "Derpy Hooves! how dare you cause trouble again!" shouted her Mother in anger and her Father noded "yes Derpy! we thought you could do better!" shouted her Father, Derpy put her head down "I- I am sorry... I did not mean it... I was just---" Derpy's Father cut her off "no! we do not want to hear you! I hate to say this but...." Derpy's Father trailed off and turned to her Mother "yes... we have to! Derpy is just to reckless for Ponyville or any other place in Equestria!" said her Mother "yes Derpy has got to go!" said her Father and then Derpy was just staring at her Parents she knew what they were gonna do "what! please.... don't send me away! don't you love me?" she asked as she was trying to hold back the tears in her eyes, Derpy's Parents just glared at her "love you!? Derpy we tried but you never came to be the daughter we wanted! I could never love such a thing as you!" said her Mother and her Father noded as he picked up Derpy "we tried Derpy! but we gave you enough chances!" he said as he began to fly to the waters where the ocean was, Derpy began to scream and cry as she started bucking her hooves until she finally bucked her Dad in the face "why you little... usless!" he threw Derpy on the ground and bucked her in the head til she was knocked out "it had to be done Derpy..." murred her Mother as she began to fly with Derpy's Dad to the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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