The Complicated Life of Julie Benner

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°Chapter One

•Happy Mornings = Bad day•


"Mom! Alarm please!!", my voice was rough and so loud so that mom could hear me through dad's classical music playing, so loud I couldn't even hear myself scream.

"Mom?" I almost felt rude screaming at her.

"Yes dearie?", my Mom's voice so calm, like I haven't been screaming at her for the last 15 seconds.

I observed dad lower the volume of his music. "Dearie, breakfast is ready." Mom added with a grin, "and you don't want to be late for your weekend date with your dad."

Flashing a smile at dad then back at me, but  wider this time. "Morning Mom, Dad and Mimi!", my little sister, Maggie greeted mom, dad and our dog, Mimi,  but not me. I can't blame her because I was just like her when I was about 4 years old. "Hey what about me?", I said with my puppy eyes and frowning face. "Hey Louis!" she ran to hug me with a big smile and flashing eyes. "Hey little one!", giving a pat on her back.

"Ugh, dad what was that again?", oh my first sister, Jowie, I know right!? It sounds like a boy's name but mom and dad chose it anyway (or maybe just dad).

"Okay guys to the table!", Mom broke the silence (like she always does). Dad looked at the clock located behind the kitchen door. He gasped. "I didn't know we were already late!", Dad pulled his chair in a hurry. I sighed. Will this day get any better?

After eating, I hurried upstairs to change then ran back downstairs. I saw mom helping Maggie with her shoes while giving her a pep talk. l was wearing a white dress with a blue sweater tied to my waist (P.S mom.'s idea) and my Converse. "Okay, bye mom!", I didn't even glance at her for her to see what I was wearing. Then suddenly- "Hey, hey, hey! Let me see ."Oh no. I gasped as she grab hold of my wrist. "Oh look at that dress," carefully scanning me from head to toe, I was dead silent and was breathing softly. Seems like everything was working alright until... "What are those!?", her eyes scarefully widened as I was carefully following the direction she was looking at.

She was looking at my shoes! I let out a big sigh of relief. "Mom you scared me to death!", my Mom laughed. "Seriously, what's with teenagers these days?"

"Time to go guys we're super duper late!", now dad was a really in a hurry. "Let's go, let's go, let's go?", Maggie's voice suddenly faded. When I looked at mom and dad they were giving each other a goodbye kiss. "Eww! Gross!", Jowie added while covering her eyes. "Dad you said we were going already!", I said. Ah, at last we're going. We all went into the car. "Bye guys have a nice trip!" Mom waved goodbye.

°Chapter Two

•My Birthday Celebration•

Sooner than later we arrived at our destination. We are at the carnival! Actually I didn't know until we got there.

"Dad! Look at that big balloon!" Maggie shouted with excitement. "How come you didn't tell us that we were going to the carnival? I didn't know that we were going here at the first place!", Jowie complained. "Dad and I decided that we could spend Louis' birthday here.", Maggie explained to my whining sister."Happy Birthday!"they shouted. I was astonished. I didn't even know that it was my birthday today. They stared at me like they were waiting for a reply. "Oh! Sure, thanks you guys!" Not letting them know I had forgotten my own birthday.

My blood seemed to rush all around my body. Of all the occasions that happen only once a year this is what I would forget. What is wrong with me?

"Dad can we buy food first? I'm so hungry.", Maggie asked." Okay here's 5 dollars for you each. Spend them wisely." Dad explained while he was distributing our money."Louis, watch Jowie and Maggie for me please I'll just find a place we could sit.", then Dad left us near some food stands near the entrance.

"Hey what do you want Maggie? Those caramel apples sound good, right? " I asked her as we walked around."Um, yeah sure but..." I looked at her suspiciously ."Its just I-I need to pee." What?! Why now? Why on my birthday? WHY?! "Um, you could go wi-with with...Jowie! Yeah with Jowie.

"What? Me? ", Jowie exclaimed. "But you're still coming will us, Dad said.", Jowie added. Pfftt! I can't believe I forgot about that. "Okay but you guys will find the restrooms I'll just come with you." I said. Without any complaints, they walked around looking for a restroom. Finally! Maggie is done and I just lost my appetite.

"Did you guys get you're snacks already?" Dad asked us. He came from the booth with the sign MONEY painted on a white board paper. " Nop-", I cut Jowie of. "Yes Dad!", I let out a fake burp just to turn things around. "Let's go to some booths!",, thank God Maggie said that. Cause if Dad knows about this I'm dead.

After the rides and food trips around the carnival grounds we finally decided to go home.

°Chapter Three

•The Great Surprise•

We eventually arrived home. But...wait the lights are out. I've got a feeling something is going on. I took this time to think if we forgot to pay the bills again or mom was kidnapped while we were not around.This time I didn't seem to know.

Or maybe-   " SURPRISE!!!" The lights turned on and there were so many people! There was grandpa Benn, Nona , my closest friends, some of our neighbors, my aunts, my uncles, and OMG! Why is he here?! His hair and his eyes. He's perfect.

When the greetings were said, we ate and my relatives were spending time together I was standing in the corner munching on my chocolate chip cookies I made earlier. Then I felt that someone was standing behind me. It was him. Tyler, my "best friend" in grade school. But he moved to California and studied there for three years. And he's been back for almost a month now.

"Hey, I can see you're not much of a party person," he said. I'm not that sure if he was speaking to me yet so I didn't answer immediately. I felt that I should at least talk to him and just tell him, but I can't. I mean now that we're older maybe he'll like me.

To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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