No Way~! Chapter 1

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Ello everyone welcome ba- who am i kidding there is no one even here well I'll just start the story now.


Zero's pov

It happened.

I don't know why but it did. You are probly wondering what happened. well I'll tell you once the girls leave.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Why do you ask Kairi?"

"Sigh" she sighed at me "You are sitting there in a daze talking to yourself like the weird one you are."

"Oh OK,.....WAIT WHAT KAIRI!!!" The nerve on that girl.

" AHHHHH SAVE ME KORI" Not this time.

( Sounds like something my brothers would do.)

" W-what no."

"NOOO kori don't ditch me."

"S-sorry Kairi, m-maybe you should stop angering him."

"I'm sorry Zero." How do they know I'm listening?

"You better be." Wow that was easy. Too easy. "Now get out of the house."

"Aww OK."(NOOO you weren't told by me to leave, stay.)

So now they're gone we can continue.


happened about 7 years ago. My sisters and I were playing in the back yard while our mother was in side with Roxas and our father. I had gone inside to get some thing to drink when i saw the blood, I thought it was ketchup, but I was off by some, (Really zero really I thought I made you better) so I went looking for our mother and father, what I found still horifies me today. When I walked into my little brother room Takashi was stabbing Emily in the heart with one of her daggers( Kori still has the other one).(I'm sorry but I'm going to call the parents by name from now on or at least try)I can still feel the blood splattering on my face, I can still see the crased look in my fathers eyes but they werent his. His eyes are blue these were orange. By the time i came to my senses Takashi had already grabbed Roxas and ran. The three of us, me Kori and Kairi, were accused of the 3 murders, two of which the bodies were missing the other was Emily. The girls kept asking "what is going on" and "why are we here" the guards always replied with "you know why your here so shut yo face". We were there for about 1 year before they realized that 3 children with no training couldn't take down a strong anbu like her so they let us go.


Who are these people? Why are they the way they are? Who does Takashi think he is?

Find out next time on No Way~!.

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thanks boizzzz XD

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