Chapter 2

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i woke up, inside my dorm room? I groaned in pain, my head was pounding and i felt so sick to myself. i don't remember what happened last night, the last thing i remember was going to Blake's dorm room to get my charm. I sat up slowly and walked over to my mini fridge and opened it, i grabbed a bottled water and grabbed some aspirin. I took two and grabbed my clothes and my towels and shower stuff and walked out of my door and walked to the showers, i walked in and walked to the shower and closed the curtain and started my shower, i washed my face, body and hair. I turned off the water and dried off. I changed into black skinny jeans and a blue tank top. I walked out and put my socks on and vans, i brushed my teeth and did my makeup. i grabbed my stuff and walked to my dorm room and shut the door, i dried my hair and let it be natural for today. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper and put my towels in a different one, i grabbed my bag and walked out of my room and seen Megan. "Hey girl, you okay? you look horrible." She said. "thanks Megs, I'm fine, I just woke up to my head pounding and i felt sick. but i took a shower so hopefully its just a cold." i said as we walked out of the dorms and walked to class. "well if you need anything just text me okay?" She said. "will do." i said and we did our handshake and parted our ways. I walked to my locker and opened it, i grabbed my book and shut the door and locked it. i seen Blake standing there. "can i help you?" i asked and started walking. "last night was pretty fun." He smirked. i stopped in my tracks and turned to him. "well last night wont happen again, i dont know what the fuck you did to me but i'm not letting it happen again." I snapped at him. "Whoa babe calm down, i didn't do anything bad." he said and then smirked. "But you were knocked out last night." He added. "just leave me the fuck alone you perv, go fuck one of the whores around here." i snapped and walked into class and sat down at my desk and pulled out everything and waited for Mr.Sykes to come in. I leaned back in my chair and pulled out my phone and texted Megan.
Me: Blake did something to me last night.
Megan: what do you mean?
Me:I dont know. he found my charm and was in his dorm room and i went to get my charm and i was going to leave but then he pinned me to the wall and thats the last thing i remember happening.
Megan:WTF?! the bitch is gonna die
Me: please dont mention anything?
Megan:i promise
I put my phone away just as Mr.Sykes started to speak.I listened and just doodled in my notebook. Just then the bell rang, i put all my stuff in the bag and grabbed it as i got up and walked out of class. I walked to my locker and put my book away. I closed my locker and walked to Megan's. She was standing there waiting for me. "How you feeling?" She asked me. "I feel better." i said. "good, wanna get out of here?" she asked. I nodded, just as we were about to leave, Evan and Blake walked over to us. i groaned, not wanting to see Blake. "You dont have to act like you aren't happy to see me babe." Blake snickered. "Because i'm not happy to see you and i dont want to see you." i snapped. "Mm feisty aren't we?" He winked at me, I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Megan can we go now?" I asked. "Actually i'm going to hangout with Evan, sorry boo, tonight we'll have a girls night, promise." she said, I sighed but nodded, we did our handshake and she walked away with Evan. I sighed and looked at Bradley. "can i help you?" I asked. He just shook his head and looked off behind me. i looked behind me and seen the whore Victoria motioning him over. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Have fun with the whore." i said. "Jealous much?" He smirked. "Me? Jealous? Ha! Never." I walked past him and walked outside the school. i sighed and walked to the bench and sat down, putting my bag beside me. I just sat there looking around the Campus. Just looking at all the students having fun and having a great time in their groups. You had the jocks, the populars, the nerds, the partiers, you name it we have it. I sighed to myself, I didn't have many friends here, only megan really. Thats only because i stay in my dorm room 90% of the time. I pulled out my camera in my backpack and took a few pictures, I looked at them and smiled. 'perfect' i thought and put my camera away. I grabbed my bag and got up and started heading back to my dorm room. I walked in and walked to my room, I walked into my room and shut the door locking it, i walked to my desk and put my bag down and sat down I pulled out my camera and uploaded the pictures onto my computer and started to edit them. Before i knew it, it was 2 hours later, i turned my computer off and put my sim card back into the camrera and put it back into my bag, i pulled out and phone and texted Megan.
Me:Come over and lets watch movies
Megan: i have a better idea, bowling
Me:Sounds good! let me change!
I put my phone on the charger and put some music on. I looked through my clothes and pulled out ripped skinny jeans, a black cami, and my flannel. I changed into that and straightened my hair, I put some lipstick on and put my vans back on. I grabbed a beanie and put that on, i looked into the mirror and smiled. I grabbed my car keys, wallet and phone and turned off my music. I walked out of my room and walked out of the dorms and walked to the parking lot. I got into my all black dodge challenger. I started the car and plugged my phone in and played my music. I buckled up and drove off to the bowling alley. Once I got there, i parked and got out and seen Megan by her car with two boys, i couldn't really see them. I walked over and the closer i got i could see it was Evan and Blake. 'great.' i thought and rolled my eyes and walked over to Megan. "Hey Megs." i said and we did our handshake. "you ready?" she asked. "ready as ever." I said and we all walked into the bowling alley, i paid half and Megan paid the other half. i grabbed my shoes and walked over to the lanes and sat down in the chair and put my shoes on, i got up and brushed past Blake and got a ball, when i turned around, Blake was standing right there. I sighed. "what?" I asked. "you seem happy to see me." he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "I'm never happy to see you." I snapped and was about to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and went to my ear. "Better change that attitude babe." he smirked. i rolled my eyes and got out of his grip and walked over to Megan and Evan. "why is he here?" i asked. "he came with Evan, i didn't know until they got here." Megan said. "You could've warned me." I said and sighed, i put my ball on the thing and sat down, Megan put all our names in. it was Me and Blake VS Megan and Evan. I groaned and sat on the other side. "Ladies first." Bradley smirked at me. i got up and grabbed my ball and bowled. this should be a fun but interesting game. It was an hour later, Me and Blake won. "hell yeah. wait what does the winners get?" i asked. "a kiss?" Bradley smirked. i rolled my eyes. "In your dreams." i said and took my bowling shoes off and put my vans on. "we should go to the movies or something now." Megan said. "sounds good to me, i'll meet you at the movie theater." I said and put my bowling ball away and put my shoes back. i walked out to my car, just before i got in, i could hear someone calling my name. I turned to see Blake. "Are you like obsessed with me or something?" I groaned. "can i get a ride with you?" He asked. "why? you came with Evan." i said. "we were dropped off and i'm not going with him and Megan." He said. I watched him check out my car and then me, I rolled my eyes. "pretty sexy car for a sexy girl." He smirked and winked at me. I rolled my eyes. "just get in and dont say a word to me the way there." I said and got in, I started the car and revved the engine a little. I plugged my phone in and turned some music on and buckled up. Blake got in and buckled up. i drove off to the movie theater. it was quiet the whole ride there, Blake was texting on his phone anyways. Once I got to the movie theaters, i parked in a parking spot and shut my car off, i unbuckled and just sat there and waited for Megan and Evan. "so." Blake said. "so?" I replied back. "you are know, your attitude turns me on a bit." Blake smirked. i rolled my eyes. "anyones attitude turns you on." I said and grabbed my phone. I seen Blake roll his eyes and unbuckle and was about to get out. "Maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch." He said. I looked at him. "Maybe you shouldn't be such an asshole and try to get everyone in your pants." I snapped at him. Blake looked at me and glared. "Wouldn't want to get in your pants anyways." He snickered. "Good because i didn't want to get fucked by you anyways." I snapped at him. he got out of my car. 'Finally some peace.' I thought to myself until my driver side door opened and there stood Blake. "Get out." he said. "No." i said and played on my phone more, just then he snatched my phone out of my hand. "what the fuck?!" I snapped and got out of the car and slammed the door. "Give me my fucking phone back." I snapped at him. He looked at me. "Make me." He snapped back. "god you are such an asshole." i said and snatched my phone back. "Get a ride home, i'm leaving, telling Megan i said thanks for bowling and shit." i said and got into my car, i started it up and buckled up, i backed out of the parking space and speed back to the dorms. I pulled into the parking lot and parked in my spot. I got out and walked back into the girls dorm and walked into my room. I shut the door and locked it. I pulled my PJs out and took my makeup off, i took my beanie off and put it to the side. I grabbed my shorts and long sleeve shirt and put them on. i put my hair in a messy bun and put my phone on the charger. i climbed into bed and pulled the blankets up. I looked up at the ceiling and slowly drifted off to sleep, getting lost in my thoughts.

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