Life and Death

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She was born in the town of Hargeon on a crisp spring morning of the year X765. She did not cry or shed a tear to show any evidence that she was alive part from the slight flutter of her eyelids. Her mother had passed on after her birth and she was left alone with her father, a kind fisherman who was heartbroken over the death of his lovely wife.

But knew he had to stay strong for the pale white haired child he held in his arms that cooed at every movement he made. 'She looked just like her mother' he thought with one pretty emerald eye that sparkled with excitement at seeing her father for the first time and one eye that was the color of the sun and filled with a naïve happiness.

"She's beautiful" he thought before weeping in sorrow and joy as he was allowed to take her away from the small hospital back home without his wife. He named her Circe, a name her mother would have loved.

Circe grew as the years passed by. She had been 4 when something magical happened. She set fire to the flowers in the garden.

Her eyes had been set in wide circles as she had sneezed while picking up a flower to show her father the little lady bug that sat on the very edge of a petal, and fire had shot out of her little nose and set the flower and all those still in the ground ablaze.

She had started crying alerting her father to the flowers, who immediately threw his water to douse the flames. Her father had been in shock, 'fire, she has fire magic' he had thought and at down to pull his child into his arms shushing her as she cried.

"It'll be okay Circe it was just magic" he had smiled while saying this hoping it would ease her mind. "But daddy the lady bug" Circe had wailed at her father that had started chuckling as he realized she was upset about killing a bug rather than her display at unexpected magic.

Circe's father couldn't help but keep laughing as she wailed before tossing her up in the air catching her as she stopped wailing and began laughing as the wind blew through her white locks smiling at her father who seemed to be just as happy as her.

Circe's magic began to advance further and by her 8th year she knew a lot about the type of magic she used. Castor magic, she had found it to be called, was a type of magic that lived inside a person.

She spent hours at the library reading for months after she was taught how to read better, before returning home for her father to teach her all about being a merchant. Circe was grateful for the knowledge but she found it paling in comparison to the information she was learning about magic.

Dragon's that breathed fire, mages who were able to fight with fire, Circe thought it was amazing and she was ready to really learn about her magic.

It had been a night when her father was out fishing so he could sell his catch and bring home money, when Circe snuck out to the magic shop down the street. Circe had high hopes for the shop but upon entering she was met with two items, a key for something called Canis Minor, and colorS change magic packets for changing clothing colors.

Circe had been rather disappointed asking the owner if he knew of any other magic shops, his answer of "No" left Circe upset and she stated "Thank you" before leaving quietly and heading home.

Circe would forever remember this night, as her father who had been returning home early from his trip had stumbled upon Circe sneaking out. Rather than outright reprimand her, he followed close behind to make sure she didn't get into any trouble.

He had followed her to the magic shop sighing as he watched his daughter waltz happily to the counter before she was let down at the amount of magic items the shop had and watched as she left in a hurry.

He watched as his daughter had passed by a tavern and two men come stumbling out following Circe. He had growled in rage as the two men backed his child into a corner and she only had minimal fire magic abilities.

He had sprung out of his hiding place whacking the two men heads into the wall stopping a moment to see Circe release a wave of white fire at him. He had ducked, but not fast enough and his arm caught fire and he was shouting in pain as the two drunken men made their escape. Circe had been so frightened and she had accidentally set fire to her father.

She had started crying as with a wave of her hand the fire was gone and her father was holding his burnt arm. She cried in panic as her father shushed her and walked them slowly to the hospital.

Circe's father had seen a doctor who stated that her father would never be able to be a fisherman again due to the damage done to his arm. That was the moment Circe blamed herself, that was also one of the last moments she saw her father alive.

They had returned to their small home and her father had been ordered to stay home out of the harsh cold and keep his burned arm clean to avoid infection. Circe had gone to sleep with a guilty conscience.

Her father had gone to sleep thinking he would always be there to protect his daughter. Circe had woken up to silence, her father was not in the kitchen having his morning tea so she had knocked on his door to check on him. There had been no answer and Circe stepped inside to see her father asleep. She had pranced up to him shaking him gently, but she received no response.

She had begun to panic and she knew something was wrong. She ran like the wind to the hospital before asking "Does anyone know where Dr. Knight is?" he had shown up within seconds and she explained that her father was not waking and dragged him to her home.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to come out of her father's room, and when he did he shook his head stating "I'm so sorry Circe, there was a vessel that lead to his heart that was blocked and burnt."

Circe had stood there in shock her mind not understanding that her father was gone, just like her mother. She had killed both her parents.

Circe stood at the cemetery many years later, she was now 19 years old and well trained mage. After her father's death she had left Hargeon for a few years but went back when she had turned 17.

She had traveled Fiore in search of someone who could teach her how to use her fire magic so she would not be a danger to those around her. She had met an elderly mage named Hanna who agreed to teach her control but on the condition that Circe would bring Hanna sweets from a neighboring town.

She had happily agreed and for 8 years she trained with Hanna. Circe had become a talented teen and had stopped hating herself for what happened. She knew her father did not blame her for her mother's death, and she knew her father did not blame her for his death. She was happy but Hanna thought it was time to send Circe on her way, sending her back to Hargeon.

Circe left in good graces stating that she would visit Hanna in the future and left for her old home.

She had noticed Hargeon hadn't changed a bit, but it seemed a little lonelier. She did not go back to her family home that was waiting for her, she did not even go near that side of town. She moved into a small apartment that usually held a small amount of people and thus was fairly quiet.

She lived in peace for two years practicing her magic and going on the odd little jobs she could find since Hargeon did not have its own guild she took whatever she could. A small restaurant frequently required the help of mages so Circe was often the one they hired.

Circe was living happily until a man named salamander came and threw her life into a whirlwind adventure.

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