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"Do ditty dee, bumbly bee, who's goin' date? Oh dumplty me"
Amber Quietly sang as he prepared to see pearl that evening.
He grabbed his towel and rinsed it with warm water and washed is face and arms.
Amber walked out of the bathroom to his room and picked up a small, pink box with a rose shaped ribbon on top.
"All right amber, you can do this." He said to him self, motivationally.
"First date, huh?" Asked a voice from behind "you're growing fast"
Amber jolted around "REBECCA, WHAT THE HELL?!?! NO SPYING!!!!
"I wasn't spying, your door was wide open. Rebecca replied.
"Go away" amber angrily grumbled.
"M'kay" Rebecca walked out of the room.
Amber walked out of the house and got in his car and drove to the place of his date.💐💄👠💅🎩👗👔👜👢👞

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