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Cleo's P.O.V

We parked outside the park. Heheh, that sounds funny. Anyways, Zayn opened my door for me and helped me out of the car. He intetwined our fingers and we walked to the entrence.

"Hello, how many?" The girl asked and I noticed she was one of my school bullies. 

"Two day passes." Zayn said and the girls head whipped up. Her eyes widened and she squealed a bit. Zayn sighed and squeezed my hand.

"Oh my God! You're Z-"

"Yes, I am. How much is it?" He cut her off and opened his wallet, still holding my hand. 

"It's 4-What the fuck are you doing here!?" She spat at me. I just stood there and then Zayn lifted up our hands and put them in her face. She glared at me and if looks could kill, I'd be long gone. "It's 45£." She said and Zayn handed her the money as she slid over the bracelets. Zayn took them and put one around my wrist and then one on his.

He pecked my lips and Rose, the girl, growled. I laughed and Zayn just wrapped his arms around me and walked with me inside the park. I pulled out my black pen and wrote on my arm.

BTW, I have loads of bullies around here. That was Rose. She hates my guts, basically because she used to be the schools genius, but I beat her with top grades in everything, so she hates me... o.O

I showed it to him and his jaw tensed.

"Then they're stupid. I love your guts." He winked and then twirled me in a circle. I giggled and then he pulled me to his side and we began walking again. "Okay what do you wanna do? Put your left hand up for games, right for rides and both for food." He said and I smirked. I put up my left hand and he nodded.

We walked to one of those where you shoot a target and a person falls in a pool of water. I looked at the person and smirked. I pointed to the person and frowned.

"That's one of them?" Zayn asked and I nodded. He smirked and payed for three shots.

"Hey, you're that celebrity." Marcus said and I wrote his hand on my arm and showed it to Zayn.

"Hey, you're the dick Marcus, right? Why didn't you great my girlfriend?" He asked and pulled me forward. Marcus's smile fell and he looked like a ghost. Zayn fired his first ball and he hit, making Marcus fell in the water. It's not actually water, it's green goo. 

I giggled and Zayn kissed me while Marcus got in his seat again. We pulled away and Zayn shot the second ball, hitting it again. I laughed at how grossed out Marcus looked. Zayn sneaked for another kiss while we waited. I grabbed the ball from his hand and he raised his eyebrow.

"Not a chance that you'll hit." Marcus scoffed and I shrugged and closed my eyes. I threw it and the bell rang. 

"AH!" Marcus yelled and then he fell in the goo again. Zayn laughed and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"You're such a show off, Sweets." He said and I smiled. He took my hand again and I raise both of my hands. "FOOD!" Zayn yelled and we ran around for a bit, just for fun, ya know.

We stopped after a bit and we were standing in front of candyfloss. I jumped and clapped my hands. Zayn chuckled a bought a HUGE one. I opened my mouth and he fedd me, then I put some in his mouth. 

"Let's go there." Zayn pointed to a funny bridge. I giggled and walked with him onto the bridge. There was music from the radio playing and just then One direction - One Way Or Another began. Zayn stood there with a bit flushed cheeks. I giggled and began dancing to it. Zayn gave me candy floss when I opened my mouth and then he sang the lyrics while I danced on the bridge for everyone to see. 

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