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Part 6 Me:Hi guys I was able to convince Katelyn kawaii chan~ and her husband dante and nicole so I dicided to do a q&a with them if you dont know what q&a stands for it stands for queshtions and answers ok let's start

Me:Katelyn everyone whant's to know this who do you really really like?

Katelyn: ..........J...Jeffry ugh I hate q&a's

Me:ok nicole do you still like dante after he dumt you?

Nicole: What! uh..............................................m......maybe

Me:ok dante who do you like and love

Dante:w what! well I like nicole and I love kawaii chan~

Nicole: .......I have to go by

Me: ok kawaii chan who did you first ship

Kawaii chan~: uh I think it was Aaron kun and aphmau senpai

Me:ok Katelyn do you like 1D

Katelyn:W! WHAT! NO! UGH! YES OK ugh Im so emberesed right know plese dont read more

Me:Okkkk dont lisen to her ok kawaii chan did you know dante had a sun with nicole named dimitri

Kawaii chan~:What a sun but dante kun already has a daughter with me nickoett chan why didint you tell me this dante kun

Dante: s sorry but it's true and Im truelly sorry

Me: ok next queshtion

Katelyn:ok I got a queshtion for you this is bayback for emberesing me who do you like

Me : me I like hmm who do I like uhhhh I think zane

Kawaii chan~:WHAT!



Me:ya it's true

Keatlyn:why zane hese evil

Me: just keep it a secret everyone ok

Kawaii chan~ :shure it's not like kawaii chan~ is gowing to ship you to heheh

Katelyn:nop going to go tell zane!

Me: WHAT! no katelyn pleseeeee

Dante:My mouth is ziped I'll keep it a secret

Me:why do crazy stuff allways happen in my storys ok well by and be shure to follow my best friend amandarose16

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