Happy Birthday, Dean|13

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I picked up the phone of the floor and ran over to get my keys. I tried calling Charlie, but she wouldn't answer. I left her a voicemail, hoping that she would get it. I left the house and drove all the way to the hospital, my knuckles white from clenching the steering wheel.

Please don't be dead, please don't be dead.

As soon as I got to the parking lot, I skidded into a space and got off. Running to the front desk, I stopped and regained my breath.

"I need to see Castiel Novak!" I panted. "What room is he in?"

"I'm sorry sir, are you a relative?" The woman behind the desk said in a monotone.

"I'm his fucking husband!" I yelled, not caring that I was acting like a complete dick. "So please, tell me what room his in." I pleaded. She nodded feverishly and typed something into the computer.

"Room 7-A." She said quickly. I thanked her and ran into the elevator.

I tapped my foot as the elevator slowly made its way up to floor seven. It was the most agonizingly slowest elevator I had ever ridden in my entire life. When it finally did get to the correct floor, you can sure as hell bet that I ran my ass off to find Room 7-A. The halls seemed all so similar and long, I wondered how in the hell doctors and nurses got to the rooms so quickly.

Suddenly, the rooms were decreasing in letters. 7-L, 7-K, 7-J, 7-I... 7-F, 7-E, 7-D... 7-C, 7-B, 7-A! I opened the door and I gasped. There was Cas, lying on the bed, tubes and machinery attached to him. He looked terrible, his face bloody, his body all bruised up.

"Cas..." I approached him slowly, until my hand was mere inches away from his face. Oh god, how did this happen?

"Dean...?" He flinched away from my hand. His eyes were closed and his breathing was barely there.

"I'm here, baby, I'm here." I said softly, my voice wavering. "What happened out there?" His eyes opened and those blue orbs that captivated me when we first met did it again. They grabbed me in their brightness and held me tight. He was dying, yet he was still shining his brightest.

"Where's Claire?" He asked panicked, ignoring my question. "Is she okay?"

That's what astounded me about this man. My husband was on the verge of death, yet still managed to set his problems aside and worry about others.

"She's fine. She's asleep at the house." I answered him. He let out a small breath and gave me a grin. Why he was grinning, I had no idea. "Now, what happened?" My voice was stern. He sighed, knowing he couldn't escape the question.

"It was a truck. They didn't see the stop sign and I was coming and..." He started crying. We had been married ten years and never had I seen him cry until that day. Yes, I'd seen his eyes water when we got you, but I mean like actually cry. He was always so happy. I never understood how he did it. Even in the toughest situations, he'd always manage a smile.

I scooted closer to him and held him close to my chest. "Hey, hey, hey. Listen to my heartbeat. Focus on that." I tried calming him. "It's okay, it's all gonna be fine."
You saw Cas after that. Charlie managed to get the voicemail and stay the night. She brought you in the morning. I don't think you remember this, but Cas started to feel a pain in his lungs. The nurses managed to clean most of the blood, which left him with humongous scars all over his face. You were scared at first, but when you saw his eyes it was like something clicked inside your head. You ran to him and hugged him tightly.

You started asking questions that Cas couldn't answer. And the ones he could, he just didn't want to know the answers. I don't think you realized what was happening in that situation. Yes, I know you could sense that there was tension in the air, but you seemed to be oblivious of the fact that Cas was internally hurt.

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