Chapter 10

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The heat was pounding on my back, I decided to stop walking for a while, and take a nap.

I closed my eyes, and drifted off.

I woke to the sound of someone repeatedly saying my name.

"Lexi, Lexi, are you awake?"

I open my eyes, slowly.

"Yes, I am now Harry, thanks to you!" I grunted.

"I am sorry, I about before, I mean you know maybe you got a little jeal-"

Niall cut him off, "I think what Harry is trying to say". Niall gave Harry a death state, while Harry shrugged his shoulders.

Niall continued to speak: " Is that he's sorry and that he is just bigheaded, and will you forgive him?"

"Hey! Iam not bigheaded!" Harry defended himself.

I sighed. "Okay, fine I'll forgive you.

"Thanks" Harry said. Then lowered his voice to a mutter. "Although I don't see what I did wrong".

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