Breath of Fresh Air.

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And so the day went on. I ignored like my encounter with Stiles in that morning happened, and he did the same.

When the whole group finally sat together at lunch at our crappy wooden table, it was some final peace after the rough years we have had.

Kira breaks the silence with, "Well isn't this wonderful". Different conversations floated around the table but I couldn't stop placing all my attention on the boy across me, the boy who I never noticed before, who had these eyes that glowed and a smile that could make anyone's day also who had a best friend....who happens to be my boyfriend.

I quickly snap out of it and look at Scott's arm which is around my shoulder, the memories of him that I rush into. The dates, the cuddles and the midnight phone calls. I couldn't help but smile. This safety I had wrapped around him. But..

perhaps I didn't want to be safe anymore. I know the group is finally together and everything is good maybe I need more risk in my life. I look away from Scott's arm and set my eyes at the wooden table.

The conversation gets pulled towards Stiles, I wasn't paying enough attention to tell what it was about but I could now stare at him with permission. Once he finishes talking he just looks at me with this grin that spills with danger.

The conversation then dragged on to after school plans, Scott's face lights up "rocks?", Myself, Lydia and Stiles face lit up hearing the familiar name.

"The hell is rocks?" Malia asked in a annoyed tone. Lydia answers, "It's up at the highest point of the town, funny enough it is only one rock and pretty big. Us four used to hang there years ago, you can get a pretty good view of the town from the rock, and plus I nice place to sit chat."

Stiles finishes the answer "and be one with nature". My face couldn't help but burst out a smile. But so does all the group.


The school day ended and at 4pm the group all found our way to the rocks. I traveled with Lydia and she rambled on about some theory about fashion and the prices for lipsticks.

When we arrived, I was greeted with a hug from Scott and found Stiles chatting with Isaac. Once Malia and Kira arrived we traveled around 600 meters to the highest point and where the rock was placed. The top of the rock was smooth to a point where you could lay town and not feel a stabbing point a rock usually does to you.

Scott and I held hands the whole walk up and I couldn't help but feel a set of eyes watching me the whole time.

Once we arrived, with the rock being a bit tricky to climb, Malia saw the opportunity and ran up onto the rock looking effortless, Isaac quickly followed trying to one-up Malia. He then helps Kira and Lydia up, by grabbing their hands and pulling up, since it was slightly taller then remembered.

The people that were already on the rock pulled out some snacks and started to lay out the picnic blanket. Scott's gets onto the rock, offering my hand as I attempt the fairly large rock. My fingers interlock my fingers I start climbing the rock, my leg slips and my fingers break from Scott's, before I'm able to fall over two unfamiliar hands grab the hands of my waist.

I felt every part of his fingers as his hands were wrapped around my waist and I felt every part of those hands drag away from my body,  I held my breath in those seconds he took to help me onto the rock. And I just knew he held his breath too. When I reached the top Scott hugged me asking if I was alright, I guess the way it looked, Stiles grabbing me was just common sense and being a friend.

I could finally breath as I saw the view of Beacon Hills from the rock and knew his hands weren't on me.

The thing is, I wanted to be breathless, I wanted to fall again if he would catch me. I wanted to feel that sense of danger that Stiles has come back with. I wanted him to grab me and I wanted to be his breath of fresh air. 

Okay well this isn't my best chapter, but at least I got that tension building and that lust growing. Hope you enjoyed it xx

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