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My hands trembled slightly as i sat in the room. I tried to sit steadily while my makeup was done. It was almost time. You wont believe this but i will be doing something crazy. The raw,haunting image of the man i was about to marry Was in my head. I despised every thing about him, although he doesnt know this. The makeup artist utter not much which pleased me as i love to relish in my thoughts. I looked in the mirror at my face heavily masked in makeup. My lips red. Red as the blood. Blood soon to come...
Walking down the aisle all by my self i try not to focus on the many eyes trained on me burning into my skin. My eyes found his eyes, i held tightly on to the knife pressed against the bouquet in my hands. Reaching his side, i handed the bouquet to the maid of honour " my partner in crime". As the pastor began to speak his monotonous voice drifted away. My mind was elsewhere. This could be the murder of the century, the unheard of. I return to reality soon enough to say i do. " may kiss the bride". I leaned forward, feeling his cold lips hard set and ready to crush mine. I slowly open my mouth and started kissing him passionately. The cheers rose up from the on lookers. I felt the cold metal in my hand as i retrieve the knife from the bouquet of flowers. I nipped delicately at his bottom lip and manage to hear a groan rising from his throat. It was soon replaced by a gasp, must from pain. I held firmly to the knife still in his chest, it had slid in easily. His grip became intense as he fought to free him self. The place grew silent, he staggered backwards then fell. Blood seep through the material of his shirt. I held my dress up, as if melted from frozen ice the people started screaming. Chairs were turned over and people towards his fallen, bloodstained figure. I ran, trying my best to get through the people who had gone crazy. As i ran pieces of my dress tore. Reaching the exit, i turn one last time. The scene was a disaster strips of my dress was scattered on the floor. My eyes locked for a brief moment with a man in all black. He stared at me through eyes of steel, then he started walking quickly towards me. Before he could close the distance i turned swiftly and flee the crime scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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