Adoption partll

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Caroline's POV
OMG!! Rebecca Mader is seriously 10 feet away from me I'm gonna die.
She talk to all the girls and I could see they really wanted to get adopted and they were acting really needy.
After talking to them she came to me last.
"Hello I'm Rebecca you can call me Bex if you like." She said, God here accent is to DIE for!
"Hello" I Said in a really really small voice.
"Well nobody has really told me how they got here do you mind telling me yours?"
"Ummmmm ok sure?" I said I was totally unsure of this I took in a deep breath and started
"I was seven and we were driving back to our house and a drunk driver was on the wrong side of the road and hit us by the front. My parent died instantly but the impact flew me out of the car onto the road. I had a few cuts and bruises and a broken leg. I couldn't stay with anyone because they didn't want me they said it was my fault for making them die. I've been though 14 foster homes and 5 orphanages and I've been here for the past 8 months. I enjoy acting, dancing,and singing and I want to go to brodway and on television.
Bex's POV
This little girl has been thought so much none of her family wanting her, coming to so many orphanages, I've made my choice.
"Excuse me Caroline, but I think I've heard enough." I say
"Um ok" she says as she get up
" No Caroline that's not what I meant I mean how would you like to become a Mader?"
She hugs me and goes upstairs to grab her things.

While she is upstairs I go and fill out a damn arse load of paperwork
I owner sits me down and says "Here is a few things I think you should know about Caroline."
"Ok" I says worried
"Caroline suffers from deep depression and cuts herself often so I would remove sharp objects out of her sight." As she goes on and on
I am thinking of how to decorate her room in my houses (Hawaii,Cambridge, New York, Los Angeles,and my trailer in Vancover. Then I hear the words cutting,depression,often.
I pull myself out of my thoughts and look up at here "wait, WHAT! Your telling me that small 12 year old girl cuts herself I thought that happened in movies about bullying!?"
I scream
"Ms.Mader she suffers from depression the only thing that gets her out of stuff like dancing,acting and singing and watching you and your cast-mates on the T.V in her bedroom."
I make her happy?
"Well if you have any videos of Caroline may I see them?" I say
She nods and pulls out her laptop and shows me videos of her dancing for recitals, doing community theater, and singing karaoke in clubs.
This little girl has talent.
I sign the last of the paper and the last few seconds of videos and I head upstairs to her bedroom and find her on the floor crying and holding her stomach.

Holy grail 2 chapters in 1day (20 hours school included) I'm adding to this story thanks ~Sophie❤️❤️🌮

Adopted By Rebecca MaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora