exstacie Espinosa (stacie) :
17 year old , baddie/rebel. Does drugs / self harms // main character // has a crush on Cameron// dates Cameron (also main character)Cameron Dallas
Best friends with Matthew
has a crush on stacie/(dates her)
he's loveable caring but he can be very sexual and bad .. Lots of drugs and getting waisted lots of sex but also lots of other things come with himZAlissea Espinosa (liss/lissea):
15 year old , likes to annoy Stacie Along with her other siblings , likes hayes but he bullies herMatthew Espinosa:
He's the oldest , he's good with everyone and everyone loves him, he's got a bad side to him though . Has a crush on kayleaKaylea Dallas,
Cameron's sister ,
Has a huge crush on Matthew but it's hard to tell. Also stacies best friend for over 10 years (baddie/rebel/goody)Hayes Grier
The grade 10 bully
secretly like alissea but bully's the shit out of her // smokes hella weed and doesn't give a shitMacksie (Mack/Mackie)
Twins with alissea and ALSO likes hayes , although hayes doesn't bully her so she assumes he likes her .Carter Reynolds:
Lives with Matthew (also lives with stacie, 2 sisters etc)
With girlfriend Maggie lindemann
Always fighting with her and causing problems for the family he's also abusiveMaggie lindemann
best friends with stacie
Nice , has literally no bad side to her but that will changeRosa Espinosa
The mom , she's crazy . She beats the fuck out of her kids and doesn't give a shit about what they do . Ever since rob (the dad) got lucked up she's been a mess
The feeling
Fanfichey my names exstacie (call me Stacie) Pronounced ecstasy , fucking weird right? Ya my moms kinda a psycho And my dads locked up for killing and raping 3 kids . My sisters are fucked up on drugs and my brother is well the only one I can count on...