Intro: Royally Shocked

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Whenever everything in your life is going perfectly and it seems as if the stars have aligned and your floating on a cloud of joy; something inevitably will come along and ruin it.

It's a fact.

Fiona opened her large brown eyes on what was officially the last day of summer. Groaning she snuggled deeper into her pillow trying to ignore the song blasting from her cellphone. When after 2 minutes it still didn't cease its playing she rolled over and pushed the button on her cell to shut the alarm off. Fiona laid there for a moment looking up at the ceiling. She was due into work , today was also the last day of her summer job, but Fiona couldn't work up the energy to get up.

The last day of summer was always a bitter sweet day.

No more staying out late having bonfires with friends around their fire pits. No more spontaneous beach trips.

Finally Fiona sighed and sat up in bed. There was no point in delaying the inevitable.

Wasting no time because she didn't want to be late; the extra time she had laid around in bed cost her,  she quickly took a shower spritz some sheen on her waist length braids and donned shorts a tank and flip flops.

Fiona skipped down the hall and curiously  noted the lack of noise.

Being an only child, just her and her parents you wouldn't expect for there to be a lot of noise in the household. However you would be wrong. Both of Fiona's parents were like big kids who were always energetic and loud. Usually at this time she would hear pots and pans rattling in the kitchen. Bacon would be heard sizzling over the music and her mom and dads laughter.

Now all she heard was silence.

"Mom, dad." She called out worriedly as she emerged from the hallway that contained their bedrooms and the bathroom, into the rest of the house. There sitting in the living room was her mom, dad and a strange man. They all looked up at Fiona as she entered.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Fiona was beginning to worry that the unknown man in the suit was with the bank. Though her family was a happy family they didn't have much money. With her mom recently losing her job things have been tougher. Fiona knew that they were behind on their mortgage.  That was the main reason Fiona had decided to find a job this summer.

She hasn't spent a cent of all her checks over the last four months and had immediately deposited them. It was a little over five thousand dollars and she planned to give it to her parents to help out with expenses.

The man in the suit watched her intently as she stood there and Fiona began to feel even more awkward.

"Fiona honey come sit here." Her mom said beckoning her over to where her and dad sat beside each other on the couch. They moved over to allow Fiona to sit in between them and once she was settled her mom spoke again. "This is Mr. Montgomery."

Fiona smiled hesitantly, wanting to be polite, and nodded at him. "Nice to meet you." She replied even though it really wasn't.

"You too Fiona I've been searching for you for a long time." He told her smiling.

Fiona's eyes widened and she looked at her mom and then dad in confusion. Dad had his head down looking at the floor and he hadn't said a word since Fiona first entered the living room.

"OK this is weird, whats going on?" She demanded folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Mr, Mrs. Bailey do you want to tell her or shall I?" Mr Montgomery asked.

Mom began to cry and dad began shaking his head silently.

"We didn't mean to.... Fiona we didn't know. We were just so desperate." Mom said looking at her with big pleading eyes that begged for forgiveness.

Crazy ideas as to what they could have done to warrant this despair began flashing in Fiona's brain. Things like murder, robbing a bank and other outrageous acts. Was this Montgomery guy the FBI? Where her parents going to jail and her to be shipped off to foster care?

"Didn't mean to what? What did you do?" She asked needing to know exactly what was going on.

Finally dad spoke and his voice shook. It was the first time in her life that she had ever seen her big strong dad seem afraid.

"Seventeen years ago your aunt.... I mean my sister Nina. Her husband showed up here with a baby." He said his voice unsteady. "He said that he'd found the baby in the dumpster and didn't know what to do." He continued.

"We really didn't know that he stole you. We didn't know we aren't criminals." Her mom called out. "We just really wanted a baby and here was one we thought no one wanted. So we kept you." She said weakly.

Fiona's body froze and her mind was hurling around not understanding what they were saying.

Did that mean she wasn't theirs? She wasn't their daughter?

"Mr. Blackstone is your maternal grandfather. I work for him and he has been non stop searching for you for seventeen years." 

She didn't look up at Mr. Montgomery even though he had spoken. All she could do was look at her parents. Her parents who were now telling her that they weren't actually hers.

"This is a joke right. Some kind of mistake?" She asked hopefully. Neither one of them would look at her and neither of them answered. "Mom. Dad." She said desperately.

When neither of them still wouldn't answer her Fiona's heart sank. Tears began to build up in her eyes and they burned. She couldn't believe what was being said. Wouldn't believe what was being said. It had to be a mistake. It just had too.

Authors Note

Drama Drama Drama. And there is more of that to come so please continue to read on! Also would you like too Vote/Comment/Follow/ Share?

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