Chapter 2: Royally Blindsided

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"Fiona." Desil called out waving one of his hands in front of her face. His brown eyes studied her. "You okay?" He asked when she finally focused on him.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why?"

He pointed to her full tray of food in front of her. "Your not eating and lunch is almost over."

"She's been spacing out all day. I don't know what her problem is." Hana said.

Our other friend Josh put his arm around Fiona's shoulder. His shaggy blonde hair hung in his face as he leaned in closer to her. "Leave my girl alone. If she wants to stare off into space that's her right." He said passionately thumping the table for emphasis. "Since you don't seem to want this I'll take care of it for you." He slid her tray of food from in front of her and began to dig into the fries.

Fiona sighed placing her face in her hand letting him have it. She wasn't in the mood to eat anyways. 

"Are you sure there isn't anything wrong? Your not sick?" Desil asked sounding worried.

Hana glanced over at Fiona and winked. She nodded at Desil and put her thumb up. Fiona rolled her eyes and ignored her. "I'm fine Desil don't worry. I just didn't get much sleep last night." She told him which was true. She had stayed up all night tossing and turning. She couldn't turn her mind off so that she could fall into the obliviousness of sleep.

Once the bell rang they all went their sperate ways to their classes. Fiona and Desil had creative writing together so they walked down the halls side by side. "Another year at good ole central high." He said trying to make conversation. Fiona grunted in response. She wasn't good company these last two days. She knew her friends must think she's crazy.

Trying to make an effort to be more sociable Fiona nudged him with her shoulder. "Remember you promised to be my partner in every project we do if I take creative writing with you."

He looked over at Fiona sheepishly just as they reached the classroom door. "About that." He started to say when Morgan Smith skipped over to them and entangled her arm into Desil's.

"Hey babe." She said with a wide smile.

Desil blushed and mumble a reply as he looked back at Fiona. Her eyes were wide in surprise. When did this happen?

"Oh hey Fiona didn't see you there." Morgan said in false surprise. She squeezed Desil's arm more securely as if protecting her property.

"Uh. Hey Morgan." Fiona managed to reply.

"Morgan really needs help in this class and she needs it to graduate so I told her than I'd be her partner." Desil said apologetically.

"Plus I couldn't let my boyfriend partner with anyone else right?" She said with an annoying giggle.

"Right." Fiona replied slowly. "Its fine Desil." She told him pushing past the both of them to enter the class. She sat all the way in the back. When Desil and Morgan entered he looked towards Fiona and made a move to walk in her direction when Morgan stopped him. She steered him towards where her friends were sitting instead. Fiona looked down at her desk bewildered.

When the heck did Desil and Morgan start dating? So much for Hana's prophecy.

Honestly she was surprised that she wasn't more heartbroken over this. This was the boy she had convinced herself that she was helplessly in love with. Yet his sudden jump from single to being in a relationship with one of the most annoying and vapid girls in our school, didn't seem to phase her.

I guess when you find out in the same week that you were kidnapped as a child nothing else can compare.

She smiled warily at her own morbid joke.

When the day was finally over Fiona was relived to be able to go home and lock herself away in her room.

The whole way home on the bus Hana ranted on about Desil. "That dirty traitor. You know I never trusted him right?" She insisted.

Fiona had stayed silent and nodded her head. Hana patted Fiona's  leg. "Don't worry Fiona he wasn't good enough for you anyway. Not if he thinks Morgan is good girlfriend material." She said trying to console her. Fiona thought Hana must have attributed her listless attitude towards the shock of Desil and Morgan dating. 

     She couldn't be further from the truth.

"How about you come to my house and we can gorge ourselves on Korean dramas on Netflix." Hana suggested.

"No thanks Han. I think I want to be alone. I'm just gonna go home." Fiona told her as they got off the bus.

She waved sadly. "Okay call me if you want to talk."

Fiona nodded and turned to begin the walk home. The bus stop was literally down the street so it took all of five minutes to get home. Outside of her house was parked a large black SUV and three sleek black cars. Fiona looked at them curiously wondering who they could be. She ran up the driveway to the front porch and unlocked the door.

"Whose cars are those outside?" She asked as she kicked off her sandals and dropped her backpack in the doorway.

When she made her way to the living room she stopped short a feeling of dejavu coming over her. Once again her mom and dad sat on the couch while Mr. Montgomery sat across from them. It was so similar to that other morning except for the four other large men standing around the living room. They all wore dark suits and sunglasses even though they  were inside.

A deep frown took over Fiona's face and she narrowed her eyes at Mr. Montgomery. "What's going on now?"

"You haven't called Fiona."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "And you didn't take the hint and showed back up here?" She asked nastily.

"Fiona." Dad chided her.

"What?" She asked in mock innocence. Fiona wasn't usually the type of girl to be rude or talk back to her elders but she couldn't help it.

"Your grandfather wants to meet you Fiona. Now. He's asked me to bring you to him."

Fiona scoffed. "Sorry but I'm not going with a stranger to meet another stranger. I don't know you people." She protested.

"Your grandfather is a stranger through no fault of his own." Mr Montgomery said. He looked at her parents. "He can't help that his only family was stolen from him."

Mom flinched and dad put his arms around her shoulder holding her to his side.

"They didn't steal me." Fiona said hotly. She didn't like the fact that this man was in here trying to intimidate her family. Her face grew hot with her anger and she balled her fists up at her sides. "Where is he? Take me to him." She demanded.

She would go see this man who was supposed to be her grandfather. She would tell him she wanted nothing to do with him and to stop sending people to her house. Then that would be it.

Authors Note.

I honestly do not have a set date that I will be uploading this. I just write and post in my spare time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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