Chapter 1

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 Kelli's POV

       I woke up to the usually annoying "BEEP BEEP BEEP" of my alarm clock, but today it wasn't annoying because it reminded me that my dreams were about to come true. The warmness faded as I slipped out of my covers and into my closet. Although my closet was stuffed from head to toe with extremely fancy clothes that any day would have been fine, today was not just any normal day. I couldn't find anything to wear and I was running out of time, so I decided to go with my backup choice that I had picked out in case this happened. A red,blue,and yellow floral dress with a brown belt, jean jacket, 10 sliver and gold bracelets, and shiny gold sandals. I slipped my backup choice clothes on and ran into the bathroom. As soon as the cold tiles hit my feet I shivered and tugged on my jean jacket, thankful that I added it to my outfit. I turned on the curler and started on my makeup. After I was almost done my curler beeped and I decided to start on my hair. In a unbearably long hour I was satisfied with my hair and makeup and walked into the kitchen to have some breakfast. I poured myself some cereal, sat down at the table, and began to eat.

       " Are still sure you wanna go to that concert? I mean your only 15!" My mom complained for about the billionth time in the last week.

       " Mom I'm almost 16, and yes I'm sure!"

       " Ok ok jeez  Kelli. You don't need to have an attitude about it."

       " Mom I'm sorry it's just I've been waiting forever to go to this concert."

      " I know but be sure that your home by 4pm tomorrow."

      " Really? That's too early mom!"

       " OK just text me when your leaveTori's house." She sighed in defeat.

      " Yay! Thanks so much mom!" I said as I hugged her and grabbed my purse and phone off the counter. "Tori's here so i gtg. Bye mom! " I said as I hugged her again and headed out the door. I hopped in the back of the car to see my best friend's smiling face.

      " Hey Tori!"

      " Hey Kelli!"

      I twiddled my thumbs and thought about what I was going to say at the meet and greet to my future husband Zayn while Tori babbled on about her family vacation to Australia. Would he say he loved me back? Would he listen to the speech I had prepared in the honor of meeting him? Would he even look up? There was so many girls that would do the same thing I would do, but I just kept telling myself that I was different, that I was special. Deep down inside I knew that I was no different then the rest of the crazy, screaming fans, but I just wanted everything to be like a fairytale. For him to tell me he loves me, that he always has and always will, that after the meet and greet that we should go and get married.

       " Hello? Kelli were you even listening?" Tori annoying asked.

       " Oh, sorry Tori I was just daydreaming. You know I can't help it, he's too hot!"

     " It's okay, I was daydreaming a little bit too. Can you believe we are actually going to meet them!?!"

       "NO! I've been so excited all of my dreams this last couple of weeks have strictly been about him!"

        " Me too!" Tori lied. She wasn't that big of a One Direction fan, and it showed. But I didn't care because she was my best friend, and her dad was super rich so he could buy her anything she wanted, like One Direction concert tickets.

      " We're almost there" Tori's dad said from the drivers seat. I could tell by the screaming girls down the street that he was right. My eyes looked everywhere for a glimpse of them, but I couldn't find anything. "Have fun!" Tori's dad exclaimed as we got out of the car. "Tori text me when you guys are ready for me to come and get you." I straightened my dress and looked around again for them, this time I spotted something.

       "Tori look!" I whispered to Tori pointing to the 5 boys that were walking into the building. 

       "Well of course they are going in there, they are about to meet some fans! Are you ready?"

       "Hell, I was born ready!" We both started to walk to the door trying not to attract any attention, but it didn't work. Soon every girl was running to the door, but we were one of the very few that got in. I guess not many of the directioners could afford the VIP passes, which was lucky for us. We got in the line about after 1/4 of the other people so we had a pretty good place. Then I realized just how many people actually did have VIP passes, and it was alot. It seemed like it could take hours before we got up to the front, but after a little bit we were close enough to see them, then we were next in line to meet them.

       They signed the yearbook and the poster I bought while I blabbered on about how much I loved them. Then I was right up to Zayn, I took a deep breath and started my speech.

       " Would you just shut up?" Zayn rudely commented.

       " Zayn....." Liam warned.

       " No! I'm so sick and tired of these stupid girls telling me they love me and that I'm there soul mate! That we are perfect for eachother, that nothing can keep us apart, not even me traveling around the world on tour! That we could still have a relationship and not just any relationship, a perfect one! They expect me to keep their phone numbers and call them to ask them out! Well guess what? I don't  love you, I don't like you! Your not my soul mate, and we aren't perfect for eachother! Everything will keep us apart, espically the tour! I'll collect all of the phone numbers that I got throughout the day and I'll throw them in the thrash! I won't look back because I'm only doing this for the damn money!" Zayn yelled in my face. A tear escaped my eye even though I tried to scrunch them as tight as possible. I wanted his face out of my mind, I never expected this to happen.

       " I.....I...I" I mumbled, I tried to say something back but I couldn't. "You are....are...are" Still nothing.

       " Don't cry love" Liam tried to sooth me.

       " NO LET HER CRY! SHE DESERVES TO KNOW THAT I HATE HER AND THAT I NEVER, NEVER EVER WILL LOVE HER!" Zayn yelled even more. This time I couldn't do it, I can't hold these tears in any longer. They  spilled from my eyes and I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried. After what seemed like a lifetime of crying I ran out of tears. I took a deep breath and grabbed my stuff off of the table, and walked right to the trash can.

       " Thanks for nothing!" I screamed at Zayn as I threw the yearbook and poster in the trash can. 

       " You are an ugly bitch!" Zayn seemed like he had endless combacks. I started to cry again and ran away, but I turned and gave Zayn one last look in the eye, then I turned around and ran.

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