3| Chores.

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(A/N: how dare you, Chris. How dare you be so sexy... ENJOY)

*Ricky's POV*

           *Clean the kitchen

           *Clean the living room

           * Do laundry

           * Clean my room (make it spotless)

          This shouldn't be too hard. I mean how hard could it be to clean three rooms and do some simple laundry? I may have lost my memory but i'm pretty sure i can still remember how to clean. I picked up the numerous spray bottles and rags that were sloppily thrown on an end table and wandered my way through his extremely large house until i stumbled my way into the kitchen. Luckily there wasn't anyone in the kitchen so i could do my duty in peace without any intruders or distractions. It was going to take a while to figure out how Master Motionless liked his house to be cleaned, and i'm just hoping he wouldn't be too harsh with the punishments until i'd get it right. 

           I sprayed the counters until they were sparkling from how clean they were. I took pride in my work before moving onto the next room, the living room, which took a little bit longer to clean. Although Master's house was rather clean in general, he told me to clean it more, so i did. I vacuumed, i swept, i mopped, i dusted, until i was so satisfied that i couldn't help the smile growing on my lips. Sure, call me a goody two shoes because i wanted my master to be happy but that was how i was trained so that is how i behave. A goody-two-shoes? So be it. 

              I looked over my work one more time before the door to the living room swung wide open, the door hitting the back wall very loudly. I spun around in my shoes, scared that i was going to get yelled at, only to be greeted by my master and Ghost, who may i add was completely naked, clinging together for what looked like dear life. I wanted to ask if they were okay, if something was wrong, why Ghost was naked, but i decided against it. I went on with my chores, trying to forget what i witnessed but it seemed to be burned into my eyes. 

              Laundry was next, which was quick because i just threw all the clothes that were piled up on the floor into this huge, industrial size washing machine and closed the door. In the mean time, when the clothes were getting cleaned, i decided to wander up to Master's bedroom to clean it. To say i was nervous, was an understatement. I've never been allowed in a master's bedroom before, not that i remember at least. It was always off limits and if you were found in there you would get the worst beating of your life. For some reason, i can vaguely recall an old cellmate of mine with naturally long, dark brown hair that was dyed green at the ends. I recall us all being woken up in the middle of the night to her screaming and being dragged out of the cell by her hair whimpering relentlessly,  "the maids told me to do it!". And then the next day she was hauled down to the cell once more, she was unconscious and her hair was all gone, shaved. Juliet i think her name was, but all of that was a vague thought in my mind as i turned the door knob cautiously before entering. 

              I could hear my heart pounding in my ears but soon relaxed knowing that my last chore was to clean his room so he couldn't punish me for doing what i was told, right? I sure hope so. His black and red bedspread was a mess so i hastily made it up so that it was smooth and neat. I noticed that he must like black and red because i found those colors everywhere. I could hear the loud screams and moans coming from somewhere down the hall until it was quieted and i tried to forget.  Next i vacuumed his floors and wiped down his dressers like i did in every other room, nothing new or anything. The main part of his room was finished all nice and spotless like he had asked. The only places left to clean were the closets connected to his rooms. I sighed, worked up from all the physical labor i was doing and not nearly enough food to eat, but i continued. I opened the closet door and gasped in both horror and shock and confusion.

               The walls of the closet were lined with all sorts of things that my mind couldn't even sort out. It looked like a lot of whips, straps, chains, and ... collars? I took one out and in metal letters snapped into the thick black leather of the collar was the word "Slut".  And even worse i noticed that on some of the whips there was dried blood that had been left on the end of the whip. I stumbled back out of the closet, dropping the spray bottle in my hand and started to run out of the room when i hit into something hard. I thought it was a wall at first but when i looked up all i saw were the dark and lustful eyes of my master. "Calm down, calm down, I think it's time you go back to your cell." I was too happy to oblige as he led me back down the stairs, my heart thudding in my chest, wanting to escape its cage just as much as i did. I stayed as far away from him as possible on the way down.

              I was too busy wrapped up in my thoughts to hear him lock the cell and leave completely. "What's got you so pale, sugar?" I heard Ghost's words before i looked up to find him pulling his clothes back on his naked body. He had a gash on his cheek, with dribbles of blood leaking down to his lips, his hair still messy. I wanted to ask him what master motionless was doing with i'm and if he was hurt, but i'm not really sure i wanted to know that.  My breathing hitched just thinking of the bloody whips and chains and i thought i was going to pass out. I never noticed how much anxiety filled me until this moment, right here and now. "Come here, love." Ghost coaxed me over to his cot where i reluctantly sat as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug, and i sank further into him.

                "what did you see?" 

                 "I-I don't w-want to talk ab-bout it..."  I couldn't keep my voice from trembling. "Is he going to hurt me?" I started crying.

                 "Don't worry, if you get on his good side you'll be just fine..." He stroked my hair softly. "But master only has room in his heart to treat one of us nicely so we both have to be good..." That wasn't unnerving at all.


I don't know how often i'll get to update this because of all my other stories, but i hope you like it!!!

comment what you think i need your feedback


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