Love Doesn't Exist

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I walk down the streets in the same clothes I've worn for 3 weeks. I slowly rub my stomach  

How could this have happened?

I gave up everything for our love but I guess love isn't for me.  

I'm still walking when suddenly I bump into a lady. She looks about 40 and wears clothes that are surly vintage. She has some grey hairs but mostly her hair is blond , straight , and cut to her shoulders. Shes wearing all black and a small hat that has a vail over her face so I can barley see her baby blue eyes. Her eyes say she's in pain but at the same time they look kind and comforting. Shes so fancy.

What is she doing down here where only poor people live?

"I'm sorry sweet heart, I didn't see you there" she says with pain in her voice.

"Its alright , I wasn't looking either" I said, my voice queit from not using it for so long.

" Can I offer you a coffee , I myself could use some company"

I didn't know what to say but my stomach gave in.

" If that's alright with you" I said giving her a small smile. She smiled back and put her arm over my shoulders as we walked.

We had coffee and some donuts. She had asked me questions about what had happened to me and I didn't feel the need to lie. I also had the need to tell someone, anyone. By the time I was done I was sobbing my heart out.  

I had also found out that she had lost a daughter and I told her my parents had died 1 week ago. I had heard about it on TV in one of the stores.

" What you have told me is horrible, I am so sorry" she said wiping a tear away from my face.

" With all do respect ma'am, I would like it better if you dont pity me"

" O sweetheart I'm sorry, I'm not pitying you. I just... I...I have something to ask you."

"Yes " I said a bit irritated because that's what she's been doing the whole time ,asking me questions.

" You said you left school about a month ago, right?"

"Yep" I said. I had only 3 months of school when I left. I was a freshman but now I had missed 2 months of School.  

Right now it's 3 weeks into December and 'Christmas' time was close.

"Would you do me a big favor?" she asked starting to sound serious.

"Sure, I'll try" I said

" Come live with me and let me adopt you"

I was in shock. This must be a joke right?. But her face was so serious that I knew right away that she wasn't joking.

' I ...I can't except that, I'm just a nobody and you own one of the most famous fashion companys in the world. Why would you want me as a daughter? "

" Because I can see in your eyes that you are kind , smart, and would be the best daughter I could have. I feel it in my gut that your the one."

"I...I " I didn't know what to say. Should I give myself this opportunity? Did I deserve this? Was this life's way of trying to make everything right again in my life? Even if it was it was to late. I was already torn in the most horribly ways you could think possibly.

" Alina, I'm not taking no for an answer. " she said crossing her arms.

I wouldn't give up this opportunity. It might seem selfish of me to take it but I needed something to hold on to or I would drown and die. 

" Ok , I accept but under one condition" I said.


"Don't call me Alina, I would rather have you call me Ali because the other name brings back to many memories"

She smiled at this but uncrossed her arms.



So for the next 7 months I was taught about the high class. I was given gowns and clothes. I was caught up with my studies so I could return to school ready to be a softmore. We moved to New York City and I was enrolled in one of the best schools there. 

Kaylin Park was now my mom and I was now Alina, I meen Ali Park. I was the daughter of one of the most famous fashion people in the world.

My mom was the nicest person I've ever met and she helped me return to the one I once was. I was me agian. The one who was nice to everyone and always had a smile on her face. The only difference was that the new me couldn't and wouldn't ever ever believe or fall in love again, and that was a promise I made to myself and one I would keep until my death.


Picture on the side of Kaylin Park. The song on the side is Miss Moving On by Fifth Harmony.

Love Doesn't Exist (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now