Ask Me Again: The Prelude

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Ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

Because you are my sweetest regret.

Ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

Because the memories are just too great to let go.

Ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

I'll do it all again

I'll just do it a little bit differently.

Ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

Ask me again

And I'll probably ignore the warnings and be mad that I did

Because I'm sitting here now wondering

If I could see the end before it began would I even start?

Who am I to question?

Who am I to intervene with what fate wanted me to know?

What was the lesson in all this?

What was I suppose to learn?

Did I learn at all anything;

That fate had to teach me?

And I don't know

Because if you ask me again, I'll still say yes.

Wouldn't take away the sleepless nights

And the tears that escaped my eyes before I could even stop them.

Ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

As I sit here with a broken heart and a fist full of tears all I can think about.

Is the first time that I laid eyes on you.

And the first time that I talked to you.

When I learned what true love was.

When I learned that love wasn't something that was just given,

But also reciprocated.

When I learned that love is thinking beyond yourself,

And wanting the other person to be completely happy.

And learned that love was a powerful emotion

That I was feeling and worth experiencing.


True Love Died.


True Love Died.


Ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

See I don't even want to know, if I wanna go through this again.

And I cant make the next pay for your mistakes


My lord what I'm feeling is something I don't even want to feel again

If I have to sit here and not even know how to separate my feelings and my emotions.

When I cant even figure out how I'm gonna go on.

When I cant even figure out

How to protect my heart from being broken.

But ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

I'll say yes because it was the sweetest joy that I've ever known.

Ill say yes because

It's everything that I ever dreamt about.

I will say yes because

I felt you were everything that I needed.

See, I didn't know that I was incomplete.

I didn't know that I was broken.

I didn't know that I was vulnerable.

I didn't know that I was missing something, until I started missing you.

So ask me again, and I'll still say yes.

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