i'm back

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it was the next day and you were finishing lunar's packing when ''y/n breakfast is ready'' you finish of and head down the staircase to go eat when you hear aloud knock on the door you look at your mum with pleeding eyes as you sit down and start to eat at full speed as your mum gets up to let the person in you instently regonize him and your jaw drops because the man standing infront of is none other then admiral akienu your mum says ''y/n this is you father and he is who you think he is'' ''wait are you telling me that my old man is from another world'' she nodes and says ''finish up and get your things i will feed lunar while your doing that'' after you were done you head up to you room when you get there (sorry but i am going to decide what you look like ok º_º)  you looked into the mirror and saw a middle hight person with sort hot pink hair looking back at you. you sigh and grab your things and head back down the stairs to see your parents fighting over something you cough loudly to get there attention it works and you head out the door with lunar atop of your head when your out of the house you bump into you friends asking questions like who is he, whats he like and i hope to see you in the future you sigh again just as the door opens to reveal him some of your friends faint and some just stare in awe at the man and then stare at you with mouths open wide then you here ''y/n who are these people and why are they looking at you like that'' you turn around and say ''they are my friends so please don't hurt them ok'' he nodes and says ''i'll be wait for yo over there for about 5 minutes got it'' he says to you in a pissed tone you node and look away from him and towards your friends the boys were the first regain there sencis and said ''y/n is that who i think it is'' you node and say to all your friends ''when i get there i will run away from him and help luffy get the one piece no mater what ok'' they all node with bright smiled at your little speech and walked away after that you walked up to your dad and said ''lets go'' he nooded and you walked over to one of the houses at the back of the island when you got inside you hear some runbling outside but didn't look at what was going on but then it stopped you looked at your father with curiosity and he just walks out when you step out you see that you are at the navy HQ marineford as you walk to your new home you look at your surondings while your dad tells you what you will be learning you look at him after he said kings haki ''ah dad isent kings haki ment to be trained not learnt'' he nodes and says ''i already know that you have it it just needs to be refined and trained to the maximum of your ability that is all we are here i will show you to your room so you can unpack your things then come down so we can talk'' you node as you go up the marble staircase to your room when you got there and opened the door the room had a platform with a king size bed, a bathroom, a kitchenet, a desk, a punching bag and a walk in wardrobe along with a small foresty area in the corner on the desk were 2 fruit (devil fruit) with 2 notes next to then. beside the wight fruit said fairy fairy no mi beside the orange fruit it said size size no mi when your done unpacking you go the the lounge room with lunar on your head and the fruit in hand when you were there you asked ''what are these for'' ''for eating of corse when i say that i mean you 2 are too eat them'' he looks at you and lunar ''your full name is anamalyas.D.y/n'' ''so i am of the D family then'' you say more to your self then to him once you were done talking dinner was ready you dug into it at top speed so did your dad but you were alot faster then he.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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