Barbie Girl

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Chapter 1.


Her words are an arrow shot straight at my heart. It's as if she is speaking only to me, even though I am sitting in a crowded auditorium and she speaks to all of us. I love each note; I love each piece of red hair sending tiny dancing rainbows into the crowd as the light hits it. I love the way the corner of her mouth tilts up in a slight smile. I love everything about her.

I am supposed to be calling lighting cues up to Third, but I am stunned by the words that she sings, they ring around me. Magical. Her song is like tiny birds serenading me.

The first time I saw Katie, she had just moved to Phenix City. Walking into class like a scene right out of one of those sappy teen romance movies. Violins playing behind her as she floated in. Her red hair pulled in a low bun, an escaped strand blowing gently across her porcelain skin. As she was introduced to the class, she looked right at me. Her light green eyes pinned me in my seat. I could not breathe, my heart stopped beating. I had truly never seen someone so beautiful before. I have been in love with her ever since.

With each passing day that drones on, I fall more for her. She is smart, beautiful, and funny. At least, I assume she is. When I watch her passing by in the hall, all her friends are laughing, and Katie is smiling like she has a joke ready on her lips. Every day that I watch her, I ache to touch her, to talk to her, to be part of the joke. Every day I find another reason to fall more in love with her. I sound like a stalker, but I can't help it. She is the perfect girl for me. And one day soon, I am going to tell her exactly how I feel. But for now, I have barely managed to pluck up enough courage to say a few words to her, "Can I borrow a pen?" or "Good luck on the test!" But by the end of this year, I am determined to take things further. More than a few empty words!

"Hello! Earth to Dylan! Stop checking out Katie Bloom's ass and read me the cues. Should I go brighter?" Third blinds the stage with a bright light. Shouts erupt around the stage, "Knock it off, man! Just put the rose-colored light on Katie." The stage softens in a pink glow; but the glare coming from Katie is bright white.

Laughter fills my ear piece. "Dude, she thinks you're an asshole," Third snorts. "Now you ain't ever getting in her pants."

Third is both my best friend and the most obnoxious person I know. He goes through phases like he changes his underwear. Now he is in his street phase, down to the fake diamond chain, saggy pants, and his occasional street terms he got off the "Jersey Shore." No matter how hard he tries, he will always be the overweight kid who gets shoved into the locker on a regular basis. We have been best friends ever since he tried to stop the entire eighth-grade wrestling team from shoving my scrawny little sixth-grade body into the dumpster. That only resulted in both of us spending the rest of third period in the dumpster behind the cafeteria. He has had my back since. No matter how annoying he is, he is still my best friend. We have been pushed into lockers, threatened to have our asses kicked, and have been called loser and other endearing names together.

"Shut up! You have no clue what you're talking about! Besides, Katie is not that type of girl. You don't just get into her pants." She is perfect. She is perfect for me.

"Katie might not be that type of girl, but here comes someone that is, and me want in those pants." The caveman version of him begins to rear its crude head. I look to where Third had the light pointed. Bathed in a bright white light making her look otherworldly stood Barbie Starr in all her glory. She is posed with her hands on her hips, black combat boots tapping. Searching the room for her next victim. And she found him. Her eyes narrow as she hones in on me.

I slide down in my chair trying to avoid eye contact. "Damn, that girl is hot."

I can practically hear the drool falling from Third's mouth. "What do you think she wants?" I groan.

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