Silent tears, please wash away my fears and all the prices he has to pay.
Please make be gone all the pain going on, I refuse to let it stay.
Silent tears, please don't stain my cheeks, you know that's hard to wash out.
Please don't make my eyes red, let me just go to bed, where in my dreams, I can scream and shout.
Just don't make a peep or else they will know the secrets you hide in your safe.
You won't know what to do, oh silly you! You will not have an escape!
You'll be locked in a cell that feels like hell, and your days will cause more pain.
The silent tears will come again, pooring out your eyes like rain.
Don't go to sleep, oh no, not yet, we have more for you in store, because stress does not sleep, pain does not take a holiday, and people will never stop.
Just makes sure the only noise your tears make are as they fall to the ground, silently with a plip-plop.