Tag 1

13 1 0

I was tagged by, @xokileycawfishox thanks for the tag ☺

1.you must post the rules
2.must tag 13 people
3.just answer 13 questions
4.Answer the questions given to you and make up some more for the other people.
5.can't say you don't do tags, you have to do it, apparently.
6.tag backs are allowed
7.must be done within a week
8.be more creative than me :-)

1.what is my dream place to visit?
I would love to visit either yogtowers or the marvel studios and hang out with my heroes, literally I would love to hang with iron man.

2.which colour do I look best in?
Well, I tend to only wear marvel shirts and they are all different colours but I would say probably black, it goes with my dark sole.

3.Are you an optimist or a pessimist or both?
I am 100% pessimist, I don't know why, but if something was going to happen I would expect the worst outcome and never have faith in anything.

4.are you an introvert or a extrovert or a bit of both?
Introvert, I really just don't like many people, I keep to myself and have very few close friends and even then i don't open up to them all the time.

5.What is your favorite dessert food?
I am lactose intolerant which makes this really hard question. I do enjoy lucky charms once in a while after dinner but I have not got much of a sweet tooth.

6.do you like someone at the moment? If so, what's your favorite feature of the person?
Yes I do have a crush on someone at the moment and I love how they are reliable and will help if I ask them and how they manage to cheer me up.

7.what is your favorite season?
WINTER! I love winter it's cold so you can get all warm and cosy and I love snow because you can get away with just sitting at home and not leaving the house.

8.How often do you cry?
I try not to, I normally let it all build up and then when i am alone or something has tipped me over the edge I will cry from anywhere between 10 mins and half an hour, maybe a few hours in and off.

9.When was the last time you laughed so hard that you had to hold your stomach?
When I was at work and me and a friend had to try to repack a duvet, we opted for an elastic band and it doesn't go too well.

10.what is your favorite tv show? If you don't watch tv what's your favorite type of content?
I watch big bang theory, orange is the new black and sons of anarchy but I prefer watching gaming content on the YouTubes.

11.what colour are your eyes and hair?
Blue eyes and blonde hair, I am thinking of dying my hair at some point.

12. Do you have any siblings?
Yes two younger sisters and no brothers.

13.Do you have more than one best friend?
Yes but I haven't seen any of my friends that I have had since school in a while due to other commitments and the fact that I am too busy with all sorts of stuff.

I tag,

1. Do you watch Sherlock, if so are you team Sherlock or team Watson?
2. Have you ever changed anything about yourself to fit in, if so what?
3. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
4. If you could be a pokemon trainer what would three pokemon would you have?
5. Name your go to film that you have watched countless times and still enjoy?
6. Tea or coffee?
7. X-box, PlayStation, wii or PC?
8. What's your favorite board game?
9. Have you got one secret that you have never told anyone? (YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHARE)
10. What colour hair would you like to have?
11. If you were a secret agent with a separate identity, would you tell anyone if so who? Would you be able to create a completely separate life?
12. If you found out today that you were able to do one thing that you couldn't do before what would you like it to be?
13. You have had twins, one girl, one boy, what do you name them?

Go forth my people and answer :-)


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