Tag 2

11 1 0

I was tagged by @Kitsandcats

1. Do you have impulse control?
It really depends, yes when it comes to clothes or things you need in life but when it comes to collectables of mercy from marvel or The Yogscast.

2. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?
I was not part of the popular group at school but I was part of the geek group at school and college, we played dungeons and dragons at out prom because we were made to go by our parents so we played dungeons and dragons in full prom attire for the whole night

3. Are you in a popular group at school if so what is the stupidest thing you have done as a group? If not what is the funniest thing you have heard from the popular group?
The popular people were all wasted and took to facebook and they were all having like emotional breakdowns to each other in their timelines and it was funny to read all the typos and the next school day they they had no idea what had happened and the other groups at school were still laughing. It's good to turn the tables once in a while.

4. What's the craziest thing you have eaten?
Ostrich I think.

5. Who is your favorite YouTube/YouTubers?
All of Yogscast and Hat films. I love Hannah and Sjin from the Yogscast, and I have a real soft spot for Smith in Hat films.

6. Are you currently dating anyone?
I am in a slightly complicated situation when it comes to this topic, I was with a guy but sadly he passed away due to a car accident not that long ago. I feel like I am ready to move on. I have spoken to his family and they are happy for me to move on since they know he wouldn't want me to sacrifice my happiness for him.Sad Times.

7. On a scale is 1-10 how much do you enjoy school?
I live in England I don't know what the translations are for like the US are.
Primary School- 5/10
Secondary School- 8/10
College- 1/10

8. What's you favourite ship?
Johnlock all the way.

9.While doing this tag are you stuck so where you don't want to be?
In life? I am pretty happy, I don't seem to have enough time but that is due to an overwhelming amount of procrastination. Physically? No I am sat re watching the jingle jam streams.

10. What's the funniest/stupidest thing you've said/messaged to someone?
"If you were a water melon, would you like seeds of not?"- Abs 2016

11. Have you ever pretended to be an animal?
When I was three I spent two months believing I was a parrot and sat on my dads shoulder instead of on the sofa.

12. Do I have a tumblr?
Well yes I do question, it's notagoodninja.

13. Are you superstitious?

People I am tagging

1. Would you rather loads of money in a horrible job or not much money in the job of your dreams?
2. Do you have a lucky number?
3. What is your favorite Disney film?
4. Who is your favorite super hero?
5. You can either, never go I holiday again or have 6months on a holiday that your friend picks for you
6. If you were an alien would you like to know?
7. Honestly, would you go e money to a homeless person you saw on the street?
8. Have you ever snooped on a YouTuber like looking for them on facebook or just looked at pictures of them endlessly on tumblr?
9. Who was your favorite teacher and what did they teach?
10. What element would you like to control?
11. Have you ever hidden something for your parents?
12. What era would you like to live in?
13. What's the riskiest thing you have ever done?

Lots of love.


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