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Jeon Jung Kook

I hugged myself as I waited at the usual corner. My ribs hurt and I found it hard to breathe. I needed to get away. Away from my dad. I had to get her away, to protect her if he came after her too. Yoonshi...

I looked around at the white wonderland around me. School was still taking place today. Sadly. But, it was a Friday and I just wanted to get it over with.

What was I going to tell her if she asked about me? Should I show her my bruised sides and chest? I was afraid. If I did, what would she do? What could she do? ...

Yoonshi headed towards me with a nice smile on her face. It made my heart pound faster, sending pain down my back. I huffed and smiled sheepishly at her cheeriness. "Jungkook, good morning!" She said and gave me a firm hug. I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes tight.

Please.. Don't touch me.

I couldn't tell her. I wasn't going to tell her that I'd been beaten again. I could still fix this. I could help him find a way. There was still hope.

Yoonshi released me and we started walking, "So how are you? You surely are quiet."

I smiled at her effort, "I am alright, but how about you? Why so happy?" She giggled like a child and took hold of my hand. Her hands were so warm and I gave it a firm squeeze.

"My dad got a job offer and I guess I'm just really happy for him."

I cringed at the thought of Yoonshi possibly leaving me once again. "Are you moving away?" I didn't want to sound desperate. "No actually I am staying, so is he. He wants me to finish out the school year then after we graduate he is leaving the house to me." Her breaths came out in puffs of smoke. Her little nose was red and she was so pretty.

"So, you aren't going anywhere?" I didn't mean for the words to come out, but they did. Yoonshi quickly reassured me and fiddled with my hand.


We made it to school and went to our first period. Everyone gave us looks, I guess everyone knew Yoonshi and I were official now. And the one girl spreading rumors was Kim Hyjoon and her pazzy. I took my seat and saw Hyjoon's little group. Giving them all glares of hate from the pit of my heart, I decided I should pay attention to the teacher. My grades were going down from my lack of care.

I needed to put my full attention in my classes again if I was going to graduate. Besides, Kim Hyjoon wasn't worth anyone's time.


The day flew by and Jinhye was upset that Moseiok was home sick. Poor girl, she had to deal with Jinhye enough, the sickness must have been a sucky turn too. I laughed at my thoughts and found Yoonshi speaking with another student.

"No I don't think that taking a different class would help. You dug yourself a hole." Yoonshi explained and the student nodded and glanced up at me. I wrapped my arms around Yoonshi and startled her, "Ah! Jungkook hahah!" She chuckled and hugged my arms. The awkward student left us and I spun her around.

"How was school?" I asked setting her down and turned her to face me. "It was alright, sorry I took so long; the student was looking for advice."

I nodded, "I understand."


We sat at the willow until the moon was high in the sky. Just talking and laughing. It felt good to catch up on this we hadn't yet.

I didn't care if I was going to get beat again. I was happy right now; screw the punishment. Why should I get beat for something I enjoyed? It wasn't fair, but I guessed my father didn't want me to enjoy life. Did he want me to suffer like him? He couldn't be that bitter... There was still good in his eyes. I just had to find it.

"See that star?" Yoonshi pointed at the night sky and I squinted to see which one she was talking about. "Yeah I see it." I nodded noticing the lone star. All by itself out there in the darkness. It's light wasn't too bright.

"It reminds me of us." She said in complete awe.

"Why that one?" I asked looking at all the other brighter stars.

"Because, you and I, people look down on us. They hate us for loving each other. Our light shines bright to us, but the people around push us away. You and I... we are alone. But we have each other." I looked at her moonlight face. Her hair was shiny and I wanted to touch it.

"Yoonshi, do you ever think of your parents?" I asked remembering my mother. I missed her so much. "All the time... Sometimes when I wake up, I still think she is here. That we never moved away that summer, that she didn't get sick. But then I see my father's lost eyes. And the hurt on his face. I know she is gone, but I feel her with me." I sighed listening to her poor her heart out to me.

"She still is with you." I said holding her hand. Yoonshi smiled at me, but I saw a tear run down her face.



"Will you..."

Her voice trailed off and she rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to comfort her.

"What was that?" I asked.

I heard her sniffle, "Will you sing for me?"

I kissed the top of her head and smiled, "What do you want me to sing?"

"Our song."

            Yoonshi spun around in her yellow Sunday dress. It was spring time and the flowers around the pond were breath taking.

"Jungkook! Sing our song! Please!" She hollered while still spinning. I giggled and started the song. It was a song my mother had sung to me every night. The words were about how you should never give up, and always give in. It was a song I'd sing for her when we were younger.

I cleared my throat. I didn't even remember the beginning.

She hummed the tune of it and it clicked automatically in my head. I started singing softly and she sniffled once again. Inside, I felt really bad about bringing up her mother situation. I just really missed mine. My eyes teared up and I took a deep breath. I had to be strong.

"Jungkook, don't be afraid to be sad around me. I am here for you." Yoonshi squeezed my hand and I hugged her.

I wished it was always going to be this way. But for now, with Yoonshi in my arms, this right now... It was good enough for me.

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