Lucky Girl

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A girl named julie who lives in Memphis tennesee was walking home from school one day. When she got home she told her parents she was gonna be moving out and moving to birmingham England. She loves the ban one direction and she hopes one day she will get to meet one of the members but what Julie don"t know is that her dreams will be coming true. She found a small house in Birmingham. Julie decided to go for a walk one day. When Julie was walking she ran into a drunk man. He told her to come with him and when she told him no he grabed her. She tried to run but couldn't. A tall brown curly haired boy with green eyes told him to leave her alone he said who are you to tell me what to do and he hit the drunk. Julie didn't want to make a scene so she tried not to cry but she was so scared she just let loose and when Harry saw her crying he held her tightly and said that everthing was going to be okay. He told her to come back to his hotel with him to get cleaned up. She agreed and took harrys hand and walked to the hotel.

A few minutes later they entered the hotel room where julie saw the rest of the 1d band.They asked Haryy what was going on and when he told them what happened they told me i could stay at the hotel for the night so i don't have to travel home in the dark. It was now 10:00pm and Julie went to bed in Harrys bed because that's where he said she could sleep for the night. She told Harry she couldn't sleep so he got into bed with her and sang little things to her and she soon fell fast asleep.

The next day Julie woke up about 11:30am. She grabbed her phone and checked to see if she had any new tweets to look at. She noticed one that Harry posted and it said my sleeping angel so she clicked on the link and saw a pic of herself sleeping.She said to herself that Harry must have posted this last night when she was sleeping. She got out of bed threw her robe on and walked into the livingroom to see everyone sitting and talking among themselves. When yu walk into the livingroom Harry says morning beautiful! You laugh and sit down on the couch next to nialler. They ask me if i want any breakfast and you say no thank you. So Julie what do you have planned for today asked Louie. Idk probably pack up my clotes from last night and head home becuase i have work tm. Well why don't i drive you home said Harry. Um sure thanks Harry thats very sweet of you you said. So how about this before i take you home ill bring you to get lunch? asked Harry. Okay i guess I should get something to eat. Okay then its settled. 

(at the cafe) Julie i want to ask you something. Of course what is it Harry asked Julie. Ik i just met you yesterday but i feeel like iv'e known you your whole life i just wantto know would you go out with me tonight plz? asked Harry. Harry omg of course i will yes!! Okay then ill pick you up for 8:00 tonight. Okay ill be ready tonight. 

Okay your home beautiful. said Harry. Alright babe ill see you tonight i cant wait said Julie. A few hours later Julie hears a knock on her door and sees Harry standing there with a bouquet of flowers. He said, these are for you. You take the flowers invite him in and say let me put these in a vase and we can go. 

After they ate Harry took Julie to the beach to watch the sunset. Harry held julie by the waist and romanticly kissed her on the lips. The y laid on the beach untill Harry ended up taking hi shirt of and getting on top of julie and telling her how uch he wanted her so she said "take me" and he did. 

After a few weeks go by Julie goes to the clinic because she doesnt feel good. Her doctor told julie she was pregnant. She didn't know how to tell Harry. She called Zayn and told him to come over right away. He said it sounds important im on my way. When he got to Julie's house he saw her on the sofa crying. Zayn held Julie untill she was calm and then asked her what was going on? I'm pregnant Zayn. Julie said. What, are you sure asked Zayn. I just got back from the doctors and she said i was and im scared because i don't know how to tell Harry. Let me call him tell him to get over here fast and well both tell him okay? okay said Julie. 

A few hours after Harry rushes in Julies house and asks if shes okay? She says to harry I need to talk to you and he said whats going on? Harry plz don't freak but I'm pregnant. Harry falls to his knees in shock and when he gets back up he says are you sure babe and you say yes. Just then he picks you up and spins you around cause hes so happy. About 9 months later you tell harry he needs to bring you to the hospital because your water broke. He and the guys rush you to the hospital and you give birth to a healthy baby boy and you name him Kyle Anthony Styles. you go home and live happily ever after. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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