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Kai's POV
It's been two weeks since the girls moved in and they haven't had a problem with training and they are in the training room hours before we are. We decided to take them for a little treat, we took them to mega monster amusement park. Amaya and Prue were so happy they hugged Jay and Cole making them both turn red. I just laughed at them because hey it was funny.

"Thanks Kai"

I turned to look at Ebony and she kissed my lips. I went wide eyed and so did she, she pulled away quickly.

"Sorry Sensei I meant to kiss your cheek"

I smiled.

"It's ok"

'Crap...I felt something more than just a kiss this is bad'

Lloyd's POV
"Think they noticed we left yet?"

I shook my head.

"Nah not yet they don't Zane probably walked off with Mel to"

She nodded and started shaking, I frowned I really liked her but I can't be with her I don't think I can anyway. They start there power training tomorrow since they have already learned spinjitzu. I took my jacket off and put it around her. She turned to me and smiled pulling it closer around her. I blushed and had to look away so I could fight the urge to kiss her. Her hand brushed mine and she smiled again.

"Thanks Lloyd this was nice of all of you"

I smiled at her.

"Trust me it was our pleasure you guys already learned spinjitzu! It was faster than all of us."

She giggled and we enjoyed the rest of the day at the amusement park.

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