chapter 15

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Rose pov

"Man why are we stuck with guard duty" one of the guys from Tyler's pack whines

"Shut up you should be honored Casey let you down here "Malcolm says leaning against the wall

"whatever like I care about what honor it is to be down here "the boy snaps and I just laugh

"what so funny" he asks all the while I just smirk

"I don't recall saying anything funny so why are you laughing hm" he says his temper obviously flaring by the small act of me just smirking not answering his question

"what are you talking to me" I say tilting my head to the side

"yeah obviously I'm talking to you what are you deaf or just dumb "he ask sneering making his face go from child like handsome to stuck up snob Hmph he won't even last through a day of regular training I think making myself laugh out loud

"hey he said what's so funny and you sit there and laugh again bitch you must stupid "the other one says and his green eye lighting up with anger one look at him makes my anger flare as well and with a simple punch to the stomach I feel his ribcage break before he goes flying into the wall making an imprint then falling to the ground like a sack of potatoes

"hm how boring Malcolm you can handle them I'm going back up to the party "I say leaving them as the one tries to help the other and Malcolm just smirks shaking his head back and forth laughing slightly

"Rose aren't you suppose to be downstairs "Brice says as he grabs a Pepsi from the fridge

"um yes but I can't stand small spaces with other people makes me want to hurt them" I say walking past him and into the living room where everyone is at some sitting and talking other talking and standing some drunk off their minds but then as always as I see Casey everything in me just about freezes and I feel at one with the world she's just ever thing you could hope for in life I think as my body unknowingly moves me in her direction

"hey rose what couldn't handle the cramp space down there" she says and I immediately snap out of my love struck daze

"oh yeah I couldn't those boys you sent down to help are quiet annoying "

"hm I bet "she smiles big

"have you seen the birthday girl yet alpha"

"oh yeah oh my gosh she is Soo adorable like awe I just wanted to hold her fore"

"do you smell that "

"yeah smells like oh shit vampires weres Tyler I'm going to murder him "

"well not before they murder you hm you thought I was going to give up my pack to you no way so I called up a few favors and boom high council Hewerrick came with his army prepare to die I'll be leaving "

"you motherfucker Tyler you better hope they kill me because if they don't I will find you and kill you then take your daughter and kill your wife you better hide good Tyler "Casey yells as he leaves and his pack leaving only me Casey Falen Revana Malcolm Frankie Brice Courtney Mathew  and our ten warriors I hope to the goddess we don't die as I loom upon at least three thousand vampires


Casey's  pov

"well as you have just heard my name is Hewerrick Klerer alpha Tyler and I have been friends for quiet some time now and to be honest I owe him many of my lives so to do this small favor for him sure one debt off my list so if you could die with no hassle this could go faster don't you think" He says and I shot him pointed glare

"I'm not planning on dying any time soon" I say extending my claws Vera slipping into control for more access to my demonic powers

"everyone prepare to fight Frankie go let Gerald out and everyone else find a way out side so you aren't trapped "saga mind links everyone and they take action as soon as I charge at the high council vamp and we go flying trough the front door knocking a couple of vampire out as we go eventually slamming into a tree

"I see you want to take the hard way out well this will be fun" he says his eyes glowing red as we both claw at each other both trying to find each other's weak spot as we are fighting I hear a cry

"They have a hybrid "a woman screams but soon it turns into a gurgling sound Hmph thank God Gerald is fighting with us and not against I think trying to focus on the task at hand killing this motherfucker grabbing his hair I slam my head into his and blood flys from his nose with the force I headbutted him with I had to shatter I think seeing him grab his nose hissing my way and pointing

"Attack her until I heal properly" he yells and at least a hundred vamps turn towards me I look around to see rose and Mathew fighting back to back saving their wolves energy Falen is flying over head swooping down to caught a vamp and flying him high only to drop him landing with a sickening splat Revana is fighting ten men and women as she takes down one another pops up Courtney Brice Malcolm and Frankie are already shifted ripping throats and tearing vamps neck left and right yet more come 7 warriors still living fighting hand to hand combat 3 dead in weird angles I think analysing every aspect of this battle as I snap necks and decapitate as fast as I can Vera growing stronger her bloodlust jumping higher and higher as I kill finally I snap another neck and they stop coming keeping their distant as they see I am not tiring

"what are you all standing their for full on attack on her now" Hewerrick yells still holding his nose blood gushing from it hm must have hit it harder than intended ha oh well I think as at least 2 thousand men and women tackle me I feel kicks scratches stabs and punches before I totally lose it and fuse with saga as my size grow the wounds heal rapidly and I shake as if to get water off my fur letting my wing fly me into the air and drop I land on some smashing the to death with just my weight then biting three but then I hear a scream my head snaps toward that direction Hewerrick has Falen by her hair knife to her neck and I let out a fierce howl letting him know I do not like cowards who take damsels I turn to see that only 200 give or take a few of his army remains shit this battle must have been going on for a while only 4 of my warriors remain Frankie Courtney Malcolm and Mathew injured and rose Revana and Brice still alright well a few scratches here and there but nothing that won't heal in a week The rest will at least take a month or two may be even three I look up to see the sun getting ready to set then back at Hewerrick

"oh Casey Casey Casey do you know how hard it is to have that big of an army yet you and 19 other people were able to take down 90 percent of my army highly trained vampires but its okay I know your going to win "

"so you going to give up "Rose yells

"oh no of course not I'm going to fight til my last breathe but until then I think I'm going to kill something very precious of yours" he says and I shift back immediately

"you wouldn't dare" I say clenching my teeth at the sheer thought of him hurting her not caring that I'm butt naked

"oh I would" he grins wickedly before pulling Falen's neck back and slicing her throat with the dagger and I let out a ear bursting scream everyone hold their ears as my scream turns deadly their ears bleeding until I'm out of breathe I collapse crawling to Falen holding her dead body tears falling down my cheek onto her face and I feel a laugh coming out and as it surfaces it turns into a hysterical fit and I stand up my vision turning red as I speak

"I am going to kill you "I say before everything goes black and Vera and saga fuse demonically and they are in control my mind goes blank I can't see anything they are doing hm this what a real rogue must feel like so peaceful letting their wolf do everything with no regret hm I think I'll let my mind rest no use in over working it

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