First Date

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Dean- "Y/N, where do you want to eat?" You stare at him until he picks for you. "Cheeseburgers?" He asks. You smile and nod. He grabs the impala keys and takes you to burger king. In your midst of laughing, he brings up a question.  

"Where to now?" You ask. He smiles and takes you to the bar. You have a couple, no, more like a ton of drinks. You both get drunk and take things a little too fast.

Sam- "Let's go somewhere classy. Olive Garden?" He asks you. You shrug 'cuz you don't really care where to eat. He rents a cab because his brother took the impala, and you hold hands on the way there. You two have known each other forever, and you have longed for this moment ever since. 

Crowley- He takes you to his throne, has his demon servants order you something, and then has you tortured until your soul turns black. Now you are one of his demon sluts.

Castiel- Takes you to Rome, Italy, Spain, and France. He takes you to all seven wonders of the world, and then ends the day with a quick kiss. You ask him when you will see him again, and he smiles and vanishes.

Lucifer- Can't date because he's in the cage. 

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