Chapter 5

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After all the arguing about who was going with who and who is the best ninja, Kyrie and Saizo will travel together and Miyako and Goemon will travel together. Kyrie and Saizo will go to Iga by the mountain path that Hanzo tells them to.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kyrie's PoV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Why me? Why me? I did nothing wrong," I kept on muttering to myself.

"Will you stop that?" Saizo asked.

"Stop what?"


"Sorry, but how do you expect a girl to travel with a man she never even met till a few hours ago?"

"I expect that 'annoying girl' to suck it up because the 'man' can kill her if he wanted to."

I just glared at him. I mean seriously! He expects me to suck it up! I have gone possibly back in time, my best friend taken from me and is mostly likely going to be kil..."

"Though, you are doing better than most girls would have," he said breaking my train of thoughts.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean most girls would be crying and complaining about the mountain walk."

"Who said I was your average girl?" Saizo turned around and took me by the chin.

"You look like an average girl/"

"Well sorry if I look like an average girl. At least I don't stand out if I don't want to."

"And you smell."

"What?! You don't tell a girl that! Average or not!"

"Pipe down! If you're smelly then I'm smelly."

"Still, it's rude."

"Anyway, there is a hot spring up ahead." I just stared at him.

"Relax, you can wash up first and then I'll wash up after you are done. Besides, I have interest in women."

"Oh! So you are gay!" Saizo wacked me on the head.


"I am not gay either! Annoying girl." For the rest of the way, we walked in silence until we reached the hot springs. Saizo kept his word so I washed first then he washed up. Then we went to a cave he saw a while back.

"We'll sleep here tonight."

"Ok, but..."

"Don't complain. Just sleep." Saizo took me into the cave and fell asleep because I was too tired from walking all day.

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