Destiny/Isaac- Shoppes.

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Destinys pov

"So, what was it that you didnt want Derek to tell me, or what did you not want anyone to find out about?" He said smiling from the drivers seat. He took a quick glance at me, then furrowed his brows. 

"Ho- How did you know about..." He tapped his ear, 

"Wolf hearing."

"Ah. Yes. Well. See, if i told you, a person at school would be finding out, and i just... dont quite trust you yet." i mocked the words he said earlier.
"Fine. Ill tell you something secret about me if you tell me." He offered, poking my cheek at a stoplight. 
"Ahhh, no. Its really personal. Something i'd like to keep on the hushiddy-hush." I said, reaching to turn on the radio. 

He lightly smacked my hand away. 

"Nope, we're gonna get to know eachother. We'll be seeing alot of eachother, so we might as well get close, right?" 
"Why will we be seeing alot of eachother?"
"Well. Since my dad died, Derek told me i am staying with you guys." He smirked, a small dimple forming in the right cheek. 
"Oh, well. Cool then." I couldnt help but smile. With Derek gone alot, the house was always kinda quite.  Maybe with Isaac there, itd be less boring. 

"So, are you going to tell me or not?"
"I'd like to think not." 
"Well id like to think yes?" He sounded a bit hopeful. I sighed in frustration. 
"Whats it to you?" I asked crossly. 
"What," he said defensivly "Is it so bad that i want to know a bit more about the person im going to be staying with?"
"Well, i mean, no but like... C'mon Isaac, its private."
"Can i have a hint?" 
"What kind of a hint?" 
"A big one." He grinned. 
"Okay, fine," i ran a hanbd through my hair. "I am...I am sick. There."
"Thats all?! Thats the big hint, "Im sick" really? You cannot do better than that?" 
"Look, can we please talk about something different?" I begged. 

He stayed quiet for a few seconds, concentrating intetnly. Then, he looked up at me smiling a small smile. 

"Sure. You start."
"Okayyyy. What is your favorite sport?"
"Ahh, Lacrosse or Soccer. Yours?"
"Hater sports, like watching them though."
"Then what do you do?"
"Well, obviously, im a theatre nerd. Plus dancing. So yeah i do musicals, and dance." 
"Can you sing something for me now?" He wiggled his eyebrows as we pulled into the shopps parking lot. 

"Well, no, seeing as we have just pulled into the lot." 
"So? You're not afraid are you!?" he teased, jabbing my side. It hurt more than he intended it to hurt. Yep, that'll be bruised in the morning.
"No. Different subject please." 
"Okayyyy. Where are you from? You have this...accent thing..Its kinda country yet kinda city...?" 
" I am from New Orleans, Louisiana."
"Woah were you there when Katrina happened?"
"Nope, i left just before it actually."
"Why'd you leave? Because of the Hurricane or what?"
"For my own personal reasons."

"I'm starting to get the feeling you dont like me." He made a displeased face as he helped me out of the car. 
"No, i just dont know you and youre asking me all these questions." I made a ":/" face at him and he smiled. 

"Alright, no more questions i promise." 
"Dont make promises you cant keep, Lahey." 


"So what does Derek need again?" Isaac asked, pulling a shopping cart from the stack of them. 
"Uhhhh," i pulled the list from my handbag "Orange juice, bread, tomatoes, pasta...Just look at the list." I shoved it in his chest, taking the trolley from his hands. 

"Your medication?" He asked, walking beside me. I shot him a warming glare. He threw his hands up in surrender 

"Right, sorry, no more questions." 

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