Prologue: Birth

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"Get back here, you filthy mutt!" She heard a man curse in her native language as she once again fled from his filthy grasp, a small grin forming on her lips, a small white fang poking out from under her lip.

Her smirk widened as lightning flashed in the rain, the drops of water bending and reflecting the blinding light. Soon, thunder cracked in the distance, the ground seeming to rumble under her paws. Even so, she continued to dash and sneak around the village.

The fox had been chased before, but none of her pursuers were ever this determined to catch her.

This had been going on for an hour or so and the men still hadn't given up. All the fox could assume was that they knew what she truly was.

And that wasn't very good.

She gave a small growl as a wire fence blocked her path. Taking a deep breath, she gained as much speed and momentum as she could before leaping up.

Of course she didn't make it.

Her life just had to be even more difficult than it already was.

She had almost made it over, but her back half was hanging over the other side of the fence. She shimmied off to the other side, giving a whine and a shrill yelp as some stray wires scraped across her stomach and legs.

Once she had made it over, she winced, checking herself over. Her hind legs and front legs had horrid gashes along them and her stomach and chest had small scratches along the entirety of them.

She thanked the great mother of the kitsune race, The Lady, that the injuries on her belly weren't too deep.

No matter, she thought, I'm still much faster than those mortal fools, even with wounds. I shall heal myself when I'm done with this chase. I mustn't die now. Not today.

She continued to run.

The moon's silvery glow was blocked by the many clouds that drifted across the sky, leaving the fox's glowing eyes as the only source of light throughout the deep, dark night besides the rare lightning strike.

Lightning flashed once again.

The rumble of thunder soon followed.

Turning a sharp corner around a building, the fox gave a light yelp as she suddenly felt a catch pole on her neck, which tightened as she tugged and snarled furiously, attempting to escape her captors.

She hissed as she heard them laugh, disgusting scowls on their lips. "You thought you could get away from us, you fucker?!" One spat, causing the fox to snap her head around and snarl at him.

The other man took out a taser, fumbling with the object at first, before jabbing it into the fox's side, ripping a high pitched whine from the canine.

Chuckling sadistically, one pulled out a phone and dialed a number as the fox glared at them, her silver hackles raising. Her black stockings and lightly grey tinted underfur were dirtied with mud and blood.

They waited for a few minutes after the men had called their co-workers for a truck. They gave her dark glares which the fox eagerly returned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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