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Haha. Okay so these are my face expressions through school.
Top right-
When im in 1st block and my English teacher be like "AHDKAIWKDJSJSJSIAJJZNAJDUSKSBZISJSKNADLIXJSKDUAKDJDJAK" me:👌👌i understood nothing you said devil women but okay.
Top left-
When my best friend is acting like the guy he is.
Second on the right-
Im in social studies and my SCARY teacher walks over to me
Second on left-
In math and im surrounded by boys😳scary times. Everyday. EVERYDAY.
Third on right-
Me walking through the wall ways and all the "popular" people crowd around me and my locker
Third on left-
When I think im going to my last block then I realize I still have one more block and then people yell "WKDKAOEJEKISJAJDKDJSJEJLZNSNZJSKSJDJSKJXJS NO LANDYN YOU IDIOT!!!" And then me "AHHH IM SORRY I JUST WANNA LEAVE!!" *fake cries*
And that's how I am at school😂 wow...im so socially awkward how do I have friends....👌😂

Landyn Grace BeerWhere stories live. Discover now