Chapter 5

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Sams POV

I finally stopped crying after CC attempted to get me to talk to him. I am currently driving home and I'm nervous to see Andy. What if CC told him everything? I lost CC i don't want to lose Andy swell. I love Andy and i know i shouldn't have cheated on him but i just couldn't help myself. I didn't mean for all this to happen, i didn't mean to cheat on Andy. 

-time skip-

I got home a couple of hours ago and Andy and i talked for a bit. I am currently throwing up, I've been throwing up a lot lately and i don't know why. I can't be pregnant, right? I mean CC and i have been using protection except that one time we got really into it and forgot. I can't be pregnant with CC's child!!! What will Andy think?!?! Id be living on the streets and CC wouldn't care he's probably still with that girl.

What if i am pregnant?


Sorry for the short chapter didn't really have any ideas of what to write about so i just went with it. I know it sucks but i will try harder and try and update more.

BYE FUZZY PICKLES ( Im calling everyone fuzzy pickles now)

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