Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"What do we do now?" Liam asked.

We were at Jasper's house and had finished practice for the day.

"Jump off the roof into the pool!" Zach punched the air with excitement.

"No." We chorused.

"Buzzkills." He muttered, giving us hurt looks.

"Why don't we record some demos?" Scarlett suggested.

There was a collective sigh from everyone. I looked at them in a confused manner.

"We keep recording ourselves and sending the performances to record labels." Liam explained. "So that we might get signed. Till now, we've had no luck."

"But that might change if we win the competition." Jasper sounded hopeful. "We would get signed then."

"IF." Liam pointed out.

I felt the need to lighten the mood. "Don't be so pessimistic! I'm sure you didn't even try to contact many labels."

Zach walked over to nearby table, which I hadn't noticed. What was it doing in the music room anyway? I got my answer when he pulled out a drawer and retrieved a bundle of paper.

"Our rejection letters." He informed me, and thrust them into my hands.

I stared at them. There had to be at least fifteen. I skimmed through them and realized they had used common phrases in turning them down. Such as 'We are looking for a different sound as of now' or 'We are sure you'll find willing labels in no time.'

"Why did you keep all of these?" I was shocked.

"To burn them when we finally get a deal and motivate us till we do."

I laughed and shoved them back in the drawer, out of sight.

"Why don't we try one more time?" I suggested.

The rest agreed reluctantly.

"Which song do we play?" Jasper questioned.

"Skinny Love." Liam seemed to have decided.

"The one by Bon Iver? I like the Birdy cover better though." I said, a little disheartened.

"I haven't heard the cover." He admitted. "Will you play it?"

I whipped out my phone and did just that. The familiar melody washed over me and I tried not to hum along.

"Let's do that then." He grinned.

"B-but, then only me and Jasper will be in it."

"It'll be something different. Besides, we'll be introducing you. They have already listened to the rest of us."

My protests were ignored and I found myself sitting next to the piano, a camera aimed at my face.

"Wait!" Scarlett yelled, before we could start. "We have to see if you can play the piano. Will you try teaching her?"

I remembered her quest to find the instrument I could play without making people cringe.

"Give me your hands, darling." Jasper cooed, winking at me.

"If you speak like that again, I will smash your head onto this piano." I threatened.

He took my warning and proceeded to teach me in a serious manner. He didn't even continue holding my hands over the keys after I got my fingers into position.

Unfortunately, I belatedly realized that I was far too clusmy to make a good pianist. My fingers kept hitting several other keys at once.

"Well that takes out another instrument." Someone noted.

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