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hello loves~

welcome to the first chapter! I hope you enjoy the read :)


(F/N) reread the document pulled up on her laptop, eyeing the page carefully. This was the third paper this week she'd have to turn in, the third time she'd stressed over a document that was worth 25% of her grade, and the third time she'd rain-checked her boyfriend when he'd asked to hang out with her. 

High school wasn't the end of the world right? So why did it feel like it. (F/N) leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes in hopes of quelling the lingering headache. All hopes of finding peace were dashed in front of her as the annoyingly loud ringtone of her phone went off. She'd grab the phone off her desk, clicking the glowing green button and bringing it to her ear.

"This better be good Jaeger," (F/N) grumbled out. 

"Dude, did you and Levi break up or something?" Eren spoke from the other end of the line. 

"No? Why, did he say something to you about me?" She'd replied, sitting up to focus on what her friend had to say next. A million things were racing through her mind.

"He didn't say anything, but Petra has been hanging around him more often. Like more often than normal. I saw them leaving the coffee shop by school not too long ago." Now this was slightly alarming, but (F/N) knew Levi. He was probably just in a project group with her and their other friends. It wasn't uncommon for him to study with that bunch, especially when (F/N) was busy doing something else.

"They hang around each other Eren, they've been friends for a while so I don't think it's something we need to be worried about," She replied, trying to calm her wild thought down. What if he was doing more than just hanging out with Petra?

"When was the last time you guys hung out?" She could feel the growing fury through the phone.

"I don't know, maybe early last week? We see each other at school all the time though so it's not like I've been no contact with him this entire time," She'd replied. It was true, they'd eat lunch together most days and had one class together so they'd seen each other.

"I think you should call him," Eren basically ordered. Before (F/N) could protest, the line when dead and she was left with a growing headache and some very unpleasant feelings growing in her mind. Levi was a good guy, Petra is just a girl in his friend group, there is nothing to worry about. (F/N) scrolled through her contacts, clicking on her boyfriends contact info before pressing the call button.




"The number you are trying to reach is unavailable and has not set up an answering machine. Please leave a message after the bee-" (F/N) hung up the phone quickly.

"Alright, he's probably just busy," With her.

"There's nothing to worry about," It only rang three times.

"I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow at school," He sent you to voicemail.


The next morning, (F/N) rushed through the halls towards Levi's locker. She couldn't help but let nasty thoughts overwhelm her the previous night. Why had he sent her to voicemail? Why was he with Petra yesterday? Was he still with her when (F/N) called? All these thoughts swirled in her head as she rounded the last corner.

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