No Strings Attached

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Life is great for now. I got a job interview at one of the most prosperous company in town. Only a month after I graduated Uni. A MONTH. I mean, aren't I lucky. But then and again this could just be the calm before a storm.

My name is Emily Anderson. I am 25. I live with my bestie which is temporary. look at me giving a monologue to myself while driving, haha.

I pulled up into the parking lot and I couldn't believe that I am interviewing for THE Knight Cop. I mean a company famous for nearly everything: food, clothing, banking , cars and Chocolate. Their chocolates taste like a gift from heaven, like angels personally handed them the recipe.

"Hey hey " Kate, my best friend said while waving her hand in front of my face. "Close your mouth drooling"

"I am not " I smiled, still eyeing the building.

"If you say so" she said chuckling and shaking her head.

"Shall we?" I said smiling. "Oh we shall" we both started laughing as we walked up.

At the interview there were about 10 other people there for the interview.

"Damn they all look so sophisticated" I whispered to Kate. "There is no fucking way we are getting this job".

"Oh shut up, there is no way Miss top graduate won't get the job. Me, on the other hand not so much" she said staring at the ground.
"You'll get the jo-"
"Emma, don't fuck with me, this is my second time applying for this job" she said with a sad look on her face.

I placed my hand on her back drawing circles with my finger. "Don't worry, last time I wasn't here but this time I am, remember I am your lucky charm" I said with a smile and she smiled back.

"Katelyn Parker" the lady called at the door of the interview room.

"Good luck" I whisper shouted as she got up and walked to the door and flashed me a smile and mouthed 'I got this'.


"I felt like I was going to die, I hope we get the job "

"I know we .. we definitely got the job" Kate said beaming with joy.

"Where is miss depression?" I asked. "I told her that my lucky charm wanted my full attention, so she left" she said with a toothy grin. Seeing her this happy made me feel at ease and a smile slowly crept on my face. "You're lowkey really creepy you know that right?", "Ha, and you still love me" I said throwing my arm on her shoulder, still sporting my creepy ass smile.


Ding, ding. "The hell? who the heck is messaging me so early?" I mumble whilst rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sleep demon. I rolled and lazily tried to reach my phone. Mierda, for the life of me I just couldn't reach it eventhough it was just a mere inch away from me.

After what seemed like 10 years, I finally reached it. I grabbed it and unlocked it. My heart stopped when I realized it was from the company I did an interview for earlier this week. I crossed my finger and tapped the email. I let out a breath which felt like I had stopped breathing for ages and squealed a little.
"Kat...", what the fuck am I doing, there is no effing way I can tell her that I got the job and am not sure if she got it as well. Sigh she would be hella depressed if I got it and she didn't. I got up off the bed and slowly walked to her room. By the sounds it look as though she was cooking.

"Ah" I screamed when I saw the email on her phone.

"WHAT'S THE PROBLEM" KATe said breathless with a frying pan.

"What's your problem?" I said looking at her confused.

"You screamed"
"So you took up the frying pan," I said raising an eyebrow. "Really?" I said eyeing her as she nodded. "Mmm, well we-" I said pointing at her and me,"got the job" I said as we started jumping and screaming.

"Wait, You made me run all the way from outside, up the stairs, with a frying pan because you were excited about the job" she said walking closer to me. Next thing I know is that we are in an all out chase. And man I got some hits.


"Welcome ladies, I am Karen. Your Division leader. You can come to me with anything."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Emily Anderson." I said with a genuine smile. She looked like a pleasant woman ,late thirties, blonde hair and brown eyes.

"My name is Katelyn Parker" Kate greeted her.

She showed us our desks, the bathroom and the necessary ropes around the office.

"And finally this is your department leader Lisa Lee" she said pointing to a Chinese girl in her late twenties, black hair, black eyes, and she is wearing a suit with a huge smile.

"Nice to meet you" she said with an accent

"Nice to meet you too, I am a big fan of Asian people. Especially when they talk in their native language."

"Thank you," she said raising her eyebrow, "Anyways let me introduce the others, this is Paul Duke, Rowan Wright, Lily Cole, Amber Clarke , John Jo,........." And she continued. I introduced myself as did Kate. Everyone was so nice. We had our conversations about stuff. Then we headed off to do our work.

It seems like it gonna be a great time working here.

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