Chapter One

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The cold air nipped at Syannah's nose as she stood waiting for the bus. Syannah was wearing a pair of old faded glory jeans with a baggy Winnie the Pooh t-shirt and tattered black converses. Her jacket was nothing against the wind.
She looked up the road to her left and saw her bus slowly approaching. She leaned down to pick up her things, when out the corner of her eye she saw a shadowy figure. A muffled scream left her lips but she didn't know why. Without hesitation she quickly got on to the bus.
"Buddy," called the girl in the seat behind her. Syannah didn't feel like talking so she just ignored the girl. She became lost in thought as she sat in the silence of the bus.
She didn't even hear the bus driver, Mrs. Avery; tell her they had arrived at first. After almost fives attempts of trying to get Syannah's attention, Mrs. Avery finally got her attention.
"Okay...Okay I am getting off now." Syannah grabbed her bags. Exiting the bus she started heading to the library.

* * *

The library was almost entirely empty. As always, Ms. Goodwin had the café at the front open and music was sounding through out. Ms. Goodwin was around and about socializing with everybody. Syannah felt at peace as she entered the library, for it was the only place she felt at home in. Books were like her security blanket of safety, and libraries were the safest to her because she was surrounded. She walked at a slow pace to the moron chairs to the left as you entered. Syannah always felt like she was sitting on a cloud when she sat in them but today as she sat down she felt a wave of sadness rush over her. A tear slipped from her eye and ran down her cheek.
"What's wrong?" A voice called from above her. She turned to see that it was a guy who looked like an angel as he looked down at her. She noticed his eyes first; they were a beautifully magnificent shade of crystal blue.
"Oh it's nothing." Her voice was shaky as she spoke.
A gleam of sparkle appeared in his eyes. "Then why don't I believe you?" He couldn't stand to see someone, anyone cry. "Come on. It can't be that bad."
Syannah struggled to hold back her tears. "It really ain't anything," she paused, "I really don't know why I am crying Jake."
Jake still did not believe her but decided not to press her about it anymore. She would eventually tell him anyway. "Alright, you win."
She couldn't help but laugh. He was staring at her like a love-crazed physco. "Jake! Don't do that." She was laughing to the point that she was snorting.
"Syannah Ashwoods." 'Whoops' thought Syannah. She knew she was in trouble now. Ms. Goodwin was headed her way. Syannah turned to face her with a shocked face. "I just wanted to tell you we got a new shipment of books today and see if maybe you wanted to look at them before I put a bar code on them."
"Oh yeah, sure Ms. Goodwin," the bell rang causing her to jump up and add, "I will be back during lunch okay. I have got to go now. Bye." Syannah grabbed her things a fled the library, heading off to the Band room.
"Wait, Syannah wait!" Jake was trying to catch up to her. She appeared to have the devil hot on her tale, from his view as he chased after her. Jake eventually managed to catch up with her once she reached the band room. "Syannah," he called her name out to her as she ran into the orchestra closet. "Syannah Belladonna Ashwoods!" Look at me!" He reached out to turn her around.
She had tears pouring down her face. She knew she shouldn't be crying. There was no reason for it. 'Why did she keep crying? This was not right,' she thought. "Jake...I'm sorry! Why...why can't I stop crying?" She was a wreck and she hated this.
"Sorry Syannah." Jake was starring at her. Syannah's mascara had run causing her to resemble a raccoon. "Smile for me. You know a smile always makes you feel better. C'mon Sy-Sy."
She smiled but it turned out looking weird and creepy because she was straining to smile. Her tears slowly started to stain his shirt as she laid her head against his chest. Eventually she stopped crying and pulled ever so far away from him. "Sorry, I ruined your shirt." She was now looking him dead in the eyes. He wiped the tears that still remained on her check off.
"Syannah, it's okay. Are you done crying now?" Jake was being loving and serious with his tone of voice. He may appear hard on the outside but on the inside he was a big squishy marshmallow.
"Yeah I think so," she replied with a grin that slowly crept across her face. It was a for real one.
"Okay." Slowly Jake pulled away, letting her go. The warmth of his body faded as he pulled away from her. She looked up at him as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Bye Jake!" As he left for chorus she grabbed her instrument and shoulder rest from her cubby. 'Today was off to an odd start,'

* * *

Jake slowly walked into the chorus room next door and almost ran into the teacher. "Sorry Ms. Fred," Jake said as he made his way to his seat. As he took his seat, he began to wonder about Syannah. She had been his best friend for the longest time. She had moved in next door to him at age five. Instantly they became friends and still were. Today she had not been acting like herself. She was a mess of emotion, so unlike her. She was acting like she had in sixth grade when she had started having night terrors. He hoped that was not happening again. It had taken her forever to recover last time and she still was not fully recovered. Whenever she was left in the dark looking at a mirror she would freak out, screaming at the top of her lungs and shaking.
"Mr. Dánte, are you going to participate?" Ms. Fred looked highly upset but then again she had a right to be her best student was not paying attention.
"Yes ma'am. Sorry I was lost in thought. Won't happen again." Jake looked hurt that she had called on him. "What are we singing?"
"Well, we were going to sing 'I don't have to be me until Monday.' Ms. Fred started to play them accompaniment for them to help cue them in. Right on cue Jake started to sing his part. He was a natural with a deep sexy voice. He didn't think once about Syannah whilst he was singing.

* * *

Syannah's first two classes of the day were off to a great start. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. Orchestra and history class had been boring to the point of mind blowing. Syannah was headed to lunch. Jake was sitting at their table. Syannah flopped down at the table dropping her bags with a loud pop. She was seated across from him. "Hey," she smiled at him.
"You better now?" Jake was of course asking her how she was doing. He really cared about her as a sister.
On the inside she felt very icky but she put up a good front. "Yea. I'm good and I'm sorry I broke down in front of you earlier. I think my night terrors have returned once again." She said this with tears fighting to slip out. She hated night terrors.
"Dang!" Jake had sensed this but hadn't wanted to admit it. She was jumpy, just not her usual self. "Let's get our lunch. The line has nearly disappeared now," said Jake shaking his head toward the line. They got up and left to go get their lunch.
When they returned, Kimberly Willow sitting at the table with her laptop propped open and steadily typing away at the keys. Kimberly (Kimi as everyone else calls her), is a genius.
"Yo Kimi. What up girl?"
"Nothing much Jake. Just working on something." She was grinning and continuing to pound away at the keys without looking up. Kimi is a novelist; she already has six publish novels.
"Kimi don't tell me your working on novella number seven," Syannah said just before taking a bit of her meal.The Group continues to talk about mostly random things whilst Syannah finished her lunch. "I got to go," said Syannah as she got up to leave. She quickly disposed of her tray and picked up her stuff. "Bye guys see y'all later."

* * *

Syannah walked fiercely down the hallway. By the time she reached the library she was creeped out. She felt eyes crawling up her spine but turner to find no one. She entered and quickly signed in before looking around for Ms. Goodwin. She was sitting at one of the big chairs. Syannah walked over to her and asked, "Umm... Earlier you said something about a new shipment. May I see them now?"
"Of course you may Syannah they're in my office. Feel free to go in there." Ms. Goodwin was smiling her signature smile. She was always happy.
"Kay Thanks Ms. Goodwin." She marched off to her office in the back of the library. She glanced around looking for the boxes and found there to be about four of them. Quickly she sat down and started filing through the boxes knowing she didn't have very much time before class began. She pulled out maybe three or four books out of the first three that looked somewhat interesting. She came to the bottom of the fourth box and saw a weird looking book. It was tattered and smell of old dust. The cover was a deep blood color with black writing down the spine that read 'Anita's Guide to the Mind's Mystery'. Syannah felt this book was meant for her to take. It was in away calling out for her to take it. Slow she slipped it into her bag. Quickly she grabbed the other books she had picked out and took them to behind the front desk. She bound them with a rubber band, using a stickygg note she placed her name upon the books.
Ms. Goodwin tapped Syannah on the shoulder causing her to jump. "Are those the books you chose?"
"Yes, ma'ma. They looked to be really good." Syannah said this as the bell rang for lunch to end. "Umm... I got to go to class now." Syannah fled the library. Turning the corner down the hallway in a hurry Syannah slammed into someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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