A Fourth of July to Remember

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It was now the Fourth of July; a day of barbecue's, time with friends and family, and of course, a fabulous show of fireworks. Conner wanted to show Cassie what the Fourth of July was like in Smallville, so he flew with her to the Kent Farm from the Titans Tower. He had planned out the whole night for them since they already spent the day with their friends at the Tower, where all the Titans had gathered.

Conner changed clothes before leaving for the farm. He put on his jeans and a blue flannel shirt, along with his brown boots. "So, you ready to go, Cass?" He asked as he stepped away from his closet and walked over to Cassie, who was using their sink to fix her hair.

Cassie turned around from the mirror and smiled at him. "Well, now you definitely fit the "farm-boy" description. I didn't know you owned any other clothes except for your black shirt."

He turned a bit red and scratched the back of his head as he looked down at his feet. "Aw, shaddup" He gave a light laugh as his eyes looked up at her.

"Don't move!" Cassie quickly pulled out her phone and took a picture of him. "I swear, you look like a typical farm-boy, Kon. Maybe you have got more of Superman in you than you think." She flashed smile before walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He smiled as his arms snaked around her. "So does this mean you like the farm-boy look?"

Cassie smirked, moving her fingers through his hair. "It's definitely different. But, it's a good different. You should keep this look." She said with a smile before kissing him, sweetly.

Conner had the kiss and began to sway them both. "Well, if we move into Smallville when we're older, I'll be wearing this get-up pretty much every day. So, you'll see me as Conner Kent and Superboy."

"Oh, Conner," She began to say, a happy sigh escaping her lips. "I never saw you as two different people. To me, you were always both Conner and Superboy. You'll always be Kon-El to me, the best of both hero, and civilian worlds." She gave him a gentle kiss on his nose. "And I love you just the way you are. Now, I'm going to get changed, I'll be ready in a few minutes. How are we getting to Smallville?"

"Well, we can either fly by ourselves, or take the T-Jet." Conner said with a shrug as he rubbed her side a bit. "Whichever you prefer."

"Let's just fly by ourselves, since I'm pretty sure we'll be spending the night at the farm. That way, we can leave the T-Jet here, just in case the team needs it."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Conner then pressed her body to his, and kissed her deeply. "Now come on, go get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs for you, okay?"

"I'll see you in a few minutes." Cassie rose off the ground and kissed him once more. "Love you." She said to him with a smile, a light blush appeared on her face.

"I love you, too." Conner returned the smile as he released his arms from her. He shut the door behind himself and made his way to the lobby of the Tower. After a few minutes, he looked over to the stairs and saw her. His mouth dropped once Cassie flew down in her short jeans and red flannel crop-top. "Well, now who's looking like she grew up on a farm?" He gave a light laugh as he made his way to her from the couch. "Evenin', lil' lady." He spoke with a Southern drawl, and motioned what would be him tipping his hat to her.

A Fourth of July to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now